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  It’s hard to choose a single moment that represents the career of Robin Williams, who was found dead this morning of an apparent suicide at 63. Somehow they all seem representative. There were flashes of anarchic joy in his grimmest roles, and moments even in his most 1)outwardly 2)featherweight performances when it seemed as though a cloud had passed across his face.
  Williams battled drug problems and depression throughout his life. Although he had 3)crests and troughs, the light never traveled far from the darkness or the darkness from the light. Like 4)Jack Lemmon, you could believe Williams as a man standing on a ledge or walking on air. That was the most surprising and often haunting thing about Williams: that sense that when he unleashed the full force of his talent, he was reaching out to the audience and running away from something.
  “When he appeared on the Jonathan Ross show earlier this summer, he’d been vintage Williams, hyperactive to the point of deranged, 5)ricocheting between voices, riffing off his internal dialogues,”wrote The Guardian’s Decca Aitkenhead in a 2010 profile 6)pegged to World’s Greatest Dad, a 7)pitchblack comedy with unbearably painful dramatic passages, many of which revolve around a suicide note. “Off-camera, however, he is 8)a different kettle of fish. His bearing is intensely 9)Zen and almost mournful, and when he’s not putting on voices he speaks in a low, tremulous 10)baritone—as if on the verge of tears—that would work very well if he were delivering a funeral 11)eulogy.”

  His first 12)indelible character, Mork from Ork, was a one-off supporting character on Happy Days, an extraterrestrial who battled the show’s king of cool, the leather jacketed Fonzie. “He could make everybody happy but himself,” said Garry Marshall, who cast Williams in the star-making role as Mork. Producer Marshall was so impressed with Williams’ hair-trigger imagination that he built a 13)spinoff around him, Mork and Mindy.   The show was even more of a situation comedy than most sitcoms, mainly because of who its star was. A man with Williams’s 14)freewheeling brain might’ve had trouble staying on script anyhow—he modeled his standup style on his mentor and friend Jonathan Winters—but at the time he was also feeding a 15)prodigious cocaine habit, one he’d joke about and ruminate on as he got older(“Cocaine is god’s way of telling you you are making too much money,” he said in Robin Williams Live at the Met). He also drank too much, but got 16)sober in 1983 and stayed sober for 20 years, until he cracked while filming Insomnia (great performance as a possible psychotic killer) on location in Alaska. There were 17)relapses and treatments and apologies; anybody who’s dealt with these oftenintertwined problems, substance addiction and depression, knows you don’t so much beat them as beat them back. Or 18)harness them.
  Like many other great stand ups who were also fine dramatic actors, Williams dove into darkness in many of his best roles. He never seemed to be having to imagine his way into the 19)mindset of people who had 20)numbed themselves with chaos (like his character in The Fisher King, who lost his wife in a random shooting and became convinced he was a knight on a holy quest) or routine (like the 21)meek doctor in Awakenings, or the title character in The World According to Garp, whose opening credits song, “When I’m 64”, will pierce more deeply now).
  Despite Garp, a lovely adaptation of a book some thought unadaptable, it took a while for him to be taken seriously as a dramatic actor, and an equally long time for one of his films to hit big. He crossed both achievements off his list after 1987’s Good Morning Vietnam. The film was the perfect merger of formulaic Hollywood comedy-drama beats and Williams’by-then-22)patented brand of 23)riffing.

  Vietnam was so successful that Williams strove to recapture it throughout the next decade, in a series of comedies that cast him as a grinning id figure sent to liberate the world from its psychic shackles. The best of these were Dead Poets Society, which transplanted his standupstyle riffing to the English classroom in a 1950s prep school filled with repressed young men who had to be instructed to seize the day; and Disney’s cartoon feature Aladdin, which arguably put Williams, 24)at long last, in the role he was born to play: a purple genie that re-formed itself to incarnate any person, creature or concept Williams’ 25)motor-mouth could 26)invoke.   For a long stretch, Williams alternated 27)Holy Fool roles with comic liberator parts (combining the two in his ’90s 28)nadir, Patch Adams, about a doctor who believed laughter was not just the best medicine, but a substitute for actual medicine). Occasionally he’d 29)toss in a heavymakeup 30)tour-de-force like Mrs. Doubtfire, but for a while there was a growing sense that Williams’ instincts had become too calculated and the material too transparent.
  His secret career salvation came in in 1990’s Awakenings, in which he played a soft-spoken, emotionally recessive psychologist opposite a much showier Robert DeNiro as a 31)comatose patient made 32)lucid by medicine. Williams had been a comic leading man with a dramatic streak for over a decade at that point, but one could glimpse a possible third act in his career, as a character actor.
  He became a very good one soon afterward, proving himself in roles that seemed ill-suited to the alien in the bright shiny jumpsuit on Mork& Mindy who, upon learning that eggs were 33)unhatched baby birds, tossed one in the air, exclaiming, “Fly! Be free!”
  He won his only Oscar as a supporting player, in 1997’s Good Will Hunting, playing a community college professor 34)moonlighting as a therapist 35)at the request of an old college roommate.
  A lot of people mock Hunting as a Hollywood 36)bastardization of therapy, in which a troubled character (Matt Damon’s janitor/math genius/ orphan) finally starts to overcome 37)crippling self-doubt and class resentment. There’s some truth to the criticism, and yet the film still works—not just because of Damon and Ben Affleck’s ambitiously multilayered script and Gus van Sant’s precise direction, but because the central relationship between the hero and Williams’s Sean Maguire, who understands Will’s pain because he lost his wife to cancer, feels raw and true.
  “You don’t know about real loss, ’cause that only occurs when you’ve loved something more than you love yourself,” he tells Will—one of the film’s many devastating moments.
  “The tears of the world are a 38)constant quantity,” wrote Samuel Beckett in Waiting for Godot, which Williams starred in during a 1988 Lincoln Center production. “For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.”

  要以某个单一时刻来诠释罗宾·威廉姆斯的职业生涯并不容易。今早他被发现自杀身亡,享年63岁。他生涯中的每个时刻似乎都那么具有代表性。就是在他演绎最为冷峻的角色时,也会闪现无拘无束的快乐瞬间,就是在他演绎那些外表最为轻浮的角色时,总有片刻他的脸上似有阴云蔽目。   威廉姆斯的一生都为毒品和抑郁症所困扰。经历人生的高低起伏,他这一路走来,黑暗与光明总相伴相随。就像杰克·莱蒙,无论是演绎边缘绝境还是快意人生,威廉姆斯都能让人信服。这也是威廉姆斯最让人感到惊喜、难以忘怀的一点:当他把自己的才能发挥到极致的时候,他在奔向观众,同时也在逃离某些东西。
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