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半个世纪前在东北大地进行的震惊中外的辽沈战役,主战场在锦州,但从某种意义上可以说,辽沈战役的序幕揭自昌黎.众所周知,辽沈战役开始的时间是1948年9月12日.当时,根据毛泽东为中央军委起草的《关于辽沈战役的作战方针》,东北野战军必须集中主力于北宁线作战,而在北宁线歼灭敌军主力部队,必须先行切断北宁线,切断关里和关外敌人之间的联系通道;而切断北宁线的最佳地点是在夹于山海关与唐山之间的形胜之地——昌黎.昌黎自古为兵家必争之地.这里地当华北平原与东北平原交接地带的要冲,位于昌黎城北的碣石山群峰如一道天然屏障横遮要道,与古榆关一起形成极难逾越的雄关险隘.自明朝政府将古榆关移至今山海关重建后,这里的军事地位依然显得非常重要.明末,清军曾派兵攻打昌黎,因昌黎久攻不破,山海关才得以保存.为此,顾炎武在清初考察山海关、昌黎一带时,在《咏昌黎》一诗中叹道:“列郡谁能比,雄关赖此存!” 到本世纪初叶,京奉铁路(国民党统治时期改称“北宁铁路”)修通以后,昌黎又成为山海关内的第一个重要车站,军事重地的位置有增无减.第一次和第二次直奉战争,这里都成了双方交兵的战场.在解放战争时期,靠近 Half a century ago in the northeast earth shocked both at home and abroad, the battle of Liaoning and Shenyang, the main battlefield in Jinzhou, but in a sense can be said that the prelude to the Liao-Shen Campaign from Changli .As is known to all, the Liao-Shen campaign began in 1948 September 12. At that time, according to the “Operational Guidelines for the Campaign on the Liao-Shen Campaign” drafted by Mao Zedong Army for the Central Military Commission, the Northeast Field Army must concentrate its efforts on the Beining line and wipe out the enemy’s main force on the Beining line must first cut off the Beining Line, Cut off the link between the customs clearance and off enemy; and the best place to cut off the Beining line is sandwiched between Shanhaiguan and Tangshan - Changli. Changli has always been a battleground for the military. Here to North China Plains and the Northeast Plains handover of the hub, located in Changli north of the Jieshi mountain peaks such as a natural barrier cross the culvert, and the ancient Yu Guan together form a very insurmountable danger pass. Since the Ming government moved the ancient Elm Hill Customs Reconstruction After the military status here is still very important.In the late Ming, the Qing Army had sent troops to attack Changli, Changli long attack is not broken, Shanhaiguan was able to be preserved.To this end, Gu Yanwu inspection in the early Qing Shanhai Guan, Changli area, in the “Wing Changli” a poem in the sigh: “Liejun who can than, male dependency on this deposit!” To the beginning of this century, Beijing Feng railroad (KMT renamed the “Beining railway”) Later, Changli became the first important station within the Shanhaiguan Pass, and the location of the military empire increased. The first and second Zhōngsung wars have become the battlegrounds for the two sides to give troops. During the War of Liberation,
杜铁英轻轻推开门一看,只见启明衣衫不整,上身披着军棉袄,下身没穿军裤,只穿着棉毛内裤,一双脚半踩在鞋里,他身体上下颠动着,挥动手臂,口中念念有词地哼着,不时用笔在纸上写着画着。  杜铁英咳嗽了一声,启明并未在意。  杜铁英只能喊道:“是谁呀,不睡觉跑到这里来干什么?”  启明回头看她一眼,情绪兴奋地:“哦,我灵感来了,灵感来了!”  杜铁英不悦地:“启明同志,你是歌咏组的组长,熄灯以后这样乱跑,影
有些教师感叹数学难教,不少学生也认为数学枯燥无味,公式繁多而难记。究其原因,前者缺乏创新精神,没有开展创新性、趣味性的教学;后者没有充分调动探索数学奥妙的兴趣和获取知识的动力,其结果只能是望“数”兴叹。  笔者认为,大力推行创新性、趣味性教学,能激发学生对数学知识的好奇心,使他们在轻松而又趣味横生的教学环境中积极参与互动合作交流,保持高度集中的注意力,对数学学习信心大增,主动探索和感悟数学的奥妙,
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