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随着新课程改革的不断深入,合作学习在高中思想政治课教学中的运用虽然产生了转变政治教师和学生观念、革新课堂教学模式等一系列积极的成果,但由于实践的时间较短,因而对高中思想政治教学中合作学习的研究还不够深入,围绕着高中思想政治教学中的合作学习还有许多值得探讨的问题,如合作学习中学生的互动、教师在合作学习中的角色、对合作学习的评价等。本文拟就高中思想政治合作学习的教学组织策略问题做一些初步的探讨。 With the deepening of the reform of the new curriculum, although the application of cooperative learning in the teaching of ideological and political courses in senior high schools has produced a series of positive results such as changing the concept of political teachers and students and reforming the classroom teaching model, due to the short practical time, The study of cooperative learning in ideological and political teaching in senior high schools is still not deep enough. There are many problems to be discussed in the cooperative learning in the ideological and political teaching of senior high school, such as the interaction of middle school students in cooperative learning, the role of teachers in cooperative learning, Evaluation and so on. This article intends to do some preliminary discussions on the strategy of teaching organization in high school ideological and political cooperation learning.
背景在《实验班》的课堂上,复习椭圆与直线的位置关系时,其中有一个问题是“怎样判别直线与椭圆的位置关系.”学生甲:将直线方程与椭圆方程联立,消去y Background In the cl
11月初,爱普生发布了六款覆盖商用和家用市场的喷墨打印机,分别是应用最新技术的商用机型STYLUS PHOTO R230/R250/R350和STYLUS C67、还有身着纯白时尚礼服的ME1+及Picture M
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
创业企业指处于创建或重建过程中的成长性企业,但不含已经在公开市场上市的企业。风险投资(Venture Capital,VC),也即创业投资,是指向创业企业进行股权投资,以期所投资创业企
2010年03月03日来源:河北青年报记者从石家庄市相关部门获悉,为进一步加强和改进石市城乡规划工作,引导城镇面貌三年大变样工作,石家庄市启动2010年“城乡规划年”活动。 Re