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“七·七卢沟桥事变”后,遵照国共两党的协议,中国工农红军改编为国民革命军番号的八路军、新四军,在延安的苏维埃办事处也相应地改称为陕甘宁特区即边区政府。边区政府主席原为德高望重的中共五老之一的林伯渠,由于林老作为中共中央代表去西安主持党在西北地区的统战工作,长期住在西安八路军办事处,他的边区政府主席之职就未能到任主事。原在四方面军的张国焘于1936年秋长征来到陕北后,也随中央住进延安,由于他原来是以毛泽东为主席的中华苏维埃副主席,这时他原有的党和军事实权都已被撤销,显然是为了照顾他的面子,就在林老未到任时,被任命为边区政府代理主席。原有的苏维埃办事处机构也宣布撤销,原任办事处外交部秘书长的伍修权,改任边区政府的秘书长兼交际处长。他的工作内容虽然基本不变,这次 Following the agreement of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army for the reorganization of the National Revolutionary Army, and the Soviet office in Yan’an, were renamed as the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Special Administrative Region Government . The former chairman of the border government was Lin Boqu, one of the five oldest members of the CPC. As Lin’s representative went to Xi’an to host the party’s united front work in the northwest region and long lived in the office of the Eighth Route Army in Xi’an, his position as chairman of the border government was not Can be the main event. After the Long March of the Fourth Front Army came to northern Shaanxi in the autumn of 1936, Zhang Guotao, formerly a member of the Fourth Front Army, also settled in Yan’an with the Central Government. Since he was originally the vice chairman of the Chinese Soviets with Chairman Mao as his chairman, his original party and military real powers were now Obligation to withdraw, obviously to take care of his face, just as Lin did not take office, was appointed Deputy Border Government Deputy Chairman. The former Soviet office agency also announced the revocation of the former office of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wu Xiuquan to the border area government secretary and communications director. Although his work basically unchanged, this time
总量2016年我国共进口税则号4101的生牛皮937 109.54t,价值1821 521 829美元。进口月度曲线见图1。 Total In 2016, China’s total import tariff 4101 raw cowhide 937 10
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海山和岛弧同为凸起体,二者最大的区别是海山位于俯冲板块之上,而岛弧则位于上覆板块之上。驮伏在俯冲板块之上的海山,随海底扩张逐渐推移至大洋边缘。   1.在将近俯冲阶段,海
华贵栉孔扇贝(Chlamys nobilis)因其贝壳色彩绚丽、营养丰富、味道鲜美、生长快、养殖周期短以及经济效益高等众多优良特性,自上世纪70年代就已经成为我国南方重要的海水养殖