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随着我国经济社会的不断发展,人口老龄化现象也日益突出,人口问题日益严重。老年人成为社会解决人口问题的一大关键。同时,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对于营养膳食方面的要求与重视程度也越来越高,因此老年人的营养问题也得到人们高度的关注。随着生理因素的影响以及社会环境的压力日益增大,老年人的器官功能日益减弱,各种急慢性疾病问题突出。住院老年病人的营养不良问题也逐渐显现出来。营养不良具有众多的弊端,对于住院老年病人而言更是如此。营养不良可能对导致并发症进一步发作并加重,具有严重的后果。本文将从住院老年病人营养不良的现状出发,探究其营养不良对并发症的影响。 With the continuous economic and social development in our country, the phenomenon of population aging is also increasingly prominent, and the population problem is becoming increasingly serious. The elderly have become a key part of society’s solution to the problem of population. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, people are more and more demanding and paying more attention to the nutrition and diet. Therefore, the nutrition of the elderly has also received a great deal of attention. With the impact of physiological factors and increasing pressure on the social environment, organ function of the elderly is diminishing day by day, with various acute and chronic diseases highlighted. The problem of malnutrition in hospitalized elderly patients is also gradually emerging. Malnutrition has numerous drawbacks, especially for hospitalized elderly patients. Malnutrition can have further consequences and exacerbate complications and lead to serious consequences. This article will start from the current status of hospitalized elderly patients with malnutrition to explore the impact of malnutrition on complications.
在我国的陆地边境线上,目前只有广西沿着整个国境线修通了一条上等级的边境公路。这条725公里长的沿边三级公路,东起我国海疆和陆疆交汇之处的 On the land frontier in our
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我在长期打球过程中,总结出“击球三步曲”的打法。何为“击球三步曲”?第一步放杆站位;第二步瞄准找参考点;第三步击球前三想。现介绍一下具体做法。 I am in the long pr
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