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焦炭塔是焦炭化工艺中的核心设备,由于运行环境恶劣,在使用一段时间后往往会发生变形,因此需要定期检测。焦炭塔中心轴线倾角的大小反应了塔体的稳定程度,同时也是后续检测的关键。本文基于极坐标模型,利用最小二乘法对观测点坐标进行处理,从而获得塔体中心轴线倾角以及最大倾角所在方位。 Coke drums are the core equipment in the coke process. Due to the harsh operating environment, the coke drums often undergo deformation after being used for a period of time, and therefore require regular testing. Coke tower center axis tilt angle reflects the stability of the tower body, but also the key to follow-up testing. In this paper, based on the polar coordinate model, the coordinate of the observation point is processed by the least square method to obtain the center axis inclination of the tower body and the orientation of the maximum inclination angle.
Objective: Our purpose was to determine the rate of associated risk factors for shoulder dystocia from a large cohort of patients delivered within our Southern
病例介绍 :患者杨×× ,男性 ,70岁。因反复咳嗽、吐痰 2 0多年 ,吞咽梗阻伴呕吐一月 ,诊断为食道鳞癌 ,99年 3月2 0日— 7月 3日 ,用香茹多糖之进口品 (日本味之素有限公司
To find the optimal operational condition when the properties of feedstock changes in the cracking furnace online,a hybrid algorithm named differential evolutio
增 加 子 宫 内 前 列 腺 素 (PG )的 生 成 对 女 性 分 娩 前 期 及 中 期 具 有 重 要 的 作 用 , 为 研 究 控 制 妊 娠 期 间 PG D 合 成 酶—lipocalin 型 前 列 腺 素
Objective. To determine the prevalence of fecal incontinence after childbirth and to identify the risk factors. Methods. This was a prospective observational st
<正> 简介:SMUR小组到达了在运动场更衣室内发生大批一氧化碳(CO)中毒的出事地点。为完成对大量受害者的伤员分类工作,以便明智地将他们送到附近的医院。
Background Preeclampsia is a serious disorder of pregnancy characterized by h ypertension, proteinuria, edema, and coagulation and vascular abnormalities. At th