立足统计 服务经济 与时俱进 再创辉煌

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自从1953年5月海西州人民政府统计局成立至今,新中国成立后海西州统计工作走过了50个春秋。50年来特别是在改革开放和建立社会主义市场经济的过程中,全州各级统计部门和广大统计工作者在海西州委、州政府和省统计局的领导下,以邓小平理论为指导,贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想,弘扬柴达木人勤于奉献的敬业精神,立足本职,坚持统计服务不放松,以服务迎接挑战,以服务创造机遇,充分发挥信息主渠道优势,挥洒快、精、准之笔,潜写了为地方党政领导决策服务,为促进地方经济发展服务的篇章。受到党政领导的高度重视。但是海西地方政府统计机构在50年中的兴盛挫折、建撤并改,是我州统计事业发展的缩影和见证。他告诉人们,无论历史如何更替。统计人对统计事业执著的追求和向往永不改变,统计事业的向前发展,是经济社会进步的客观需要。 Since the establishment of the Statistical Bureau of the Haixi People’s Government in May 1953, the statistics on the state of Haixi have passed 50 years since the founding of new China. In the past 50 years, especially during the process of reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economy, statistical departments and statisticians at all levels throughout the state, under the leadership of the Haixi State Party Committee, the state government and the provincial statistical bureau, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, Carry out the important thought of Comrade Jiang Zemin and the important thought of Three Represents and carry forward the dedication and dedication of the Qaidam people based on their own functions. We will persevere in statistical services and do not relax with services. We will create opportunities with services and give full play to the main channels of information Advantage, sway fast, refined, accurate pen, the potential for the decision-making services for local party and government leaders, to promote the development of local economic development chapter. By the party and government leaders attach great importance. However, the rise and fall of the Hercynian local government statistical agencies in 50 years, the construction and withdrawal and mergers and acquisitions are the epitome and testimony of the development of statistics in our state. He told people no matter how history changed. The pursuit and yearning of the statisticians’ persistent dedication to statistics has never changed. The development of statistic undertakings is an objective need of economic and social progress.
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