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随着我国城镇化的不断推进,人们对于建筑工程的要求逐步提升,建筑理念也在不断地更新,绿色建筑设计理念是一种新型的建筑理念,不仅有效地提升了建筑的质量,还迎合了节能减排的要求。本文对绿色建筑设计的概念、特点以及重要性等方面进行了论述,在此基础上提出了推动绿色建筑设计的具体方式,以期提升我国绿色建筑设计工作的推进。 With the continuous urbanization in our country, the demand for building engineering is gradually increasing and the building concept is continuously updated. The concept of green building design is a new type of architectural concept, which not only effectively improves the quality of the building, but also meets the requirements of Energy-saving emission reduction requirements. In this paper, the concept, characteristics and importance of green building design are discussed. Based on this, a specific way to promote green building design is put forward in order to promote the green building design in our country.
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