Synthesis and Characterization of Natural Polymer/Inorganic Antibacterial Nanocomposites

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuguai19811025
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In order to increase antibacterial abilities and avoid the aggregation of nanoparticle,AgZnO nanocomposites were studied in the network structure which contains bonds,and these bonds are formed by hydrolysis reaction between Ti(TBOU) 4(TBOT) and the water that in Persimmon tannin solution.The size and morphology of Ag-ZnO nanocomposites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM).The antibacterial properties of nanocomposites were examined by minimal bactericidal concentration(MBC).Results showed that this kind of antibacterial nanocomposites composites(ANPs) have excellent antibacterial abilities and without aggregation. In order to increase antibacterial abilities and avoid the aggregation of nanoparticle, AgZnO nanocomposites were studied in the network structure which contains bonds, and these bonds are formed by hydrolysis reaction between Ti (TBOU) 4 (TBOT) and the water that in Persimmon tannin solution The size and morphology of Ag-ZnO nanocomposites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The antibacterial properties of nanocomposites were examined by minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) .Results showed that this kind of antibacterial nanocomposites composites (ANPs) have excellent antibacterial abilities and without aggregation.
1980年5~6月,我们对戈壁地区部分驻军、家属和民兵共1,321人进行了耳鼻咽喉科疾病普查,发现患有干燥性鼻炎者801人,占普查人数的60.6%。现就其发病原因分析报告如下。 From
“一九八二年,电脑象一股小小的清泉,带着短促和清脆的嘟嘟声流入美国的办公室、学校和家庭。未来主义者所预言的信息革命时代,终于到来了。” 这是今年一月三日美国《时代
“暑假,暑假,暑假……”在卧龙山庄,有一个爱死寒暑两假的小女孩,叫殷柔嘉,那就是我!当快要大考的时候,我常常在做完作业之后,倚在窗边,呆呆地望着天空,想象着最美好的假期,在白纸上写下假期的计划……  “呀呼,暑假……暑假终于到了!呀呼!”抱着暑假作业回到家,我“扑通”一下躺在床上欢呼着。高兴之余,赶紧把作业做完。经过了几天几夜的作业斗争,我的熊猫眼总算是没有白费。快乐暑假,我来啦!  片头曲:普陀
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