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四月的新塘乡保水溪村到处一派春光明媚,新栽种的经济林里鸟语花香,人头攒动……4月3日,恩施市公路段党委书记、段长张生同志率领全体领导班子成员利用周末趋车70余公里来到该村,在田间地头与乡、村有关负责人共商文明新村发展大计,并再次为农户送去沼气灶具50套和现金2万元。至此,公路段自1999年以来已连续6年为新塘乡茆山村和保水溪村文明新村建设投资超过35万元。作为连续五届荣获“省级最佳文明单位”的恩施市公路段,近年来在致力于行业改革与发展的过程中,总是把“服务社会、奉献人民”作为全段文明创建的闪光一环倾情打造。1999~2000年,他们在自身资金十分紧缺的情况下,每次都从行政办公开支中节挤费用,先后为茆山村修通9公里通村公路,扶持建立良种母猪繁殖群和意杨、罗田板栗等三个产业基地,修建150多立方米的蓄水池以解决当地人畜用水之难。 On April 3, Party Secretary and Duan Changsheng, party secretary of the highway section of Enshi City, and all members of the leadership team led the members of the leadership team to make use of the weekend car 70 Over a kilometer came to the village, in the field of land and township, village officials responsible for discussing the development plan of civilized village, and once again for the farmers to send biogas stove 50 sets and cash 20,000 yuan. So far, the highway section has been investing over 350,000 yuan for the construction of Wenming Village in Xintang Township and Baishui River Village for six consecutive years since 1999. As a highway section of Enshi City which won the “Best Civilized Unit at the Provincial Level” for five consecutive years, in recent years, as a whole section of civilization in its commitment to the reform and development of the industry, “serving the community and dedicating people” Create a flash ring Qingqing build. From 1999 to 2000, when their own funds were scarce, they squeezed expenses from administrative office expenditures each time. They successively repaired 9 kilometers of village-wide highways to the village and supported the establishment of breeding sow breeding herds and poplars, Luotian chestnut and other three industrial bases, the construction of more than 150 cubic meters of reservoirs to solve the difficulties of local people and livestock water.
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有驾驶员举报:溪头村的吴盛辉老用柴三机运客。布控几次,都无功而返。分析原因后,决定打“时间差”长途“奔袭”。 初春的周五下午3点,我们从原管控的铁山路段悄然转道东山
4月4日下午4时19分,同三高速公路罗长路段左幅215K十130M-200M处发生路基坍塌,因封闭施工需要,现将有关事项通告如下: 一、该路段自2004年4月4日下午4时40 At 4:19 pm on A
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理光杯是理光中国有限公司赞助的一项传统赛事,它 创立于2000年,今年举办第四届。在前三届比赛中,常昊、 古力、孔杰分别摘得桂冠。有趣的是,每一位在理光杯中夺 Ricoh Chi
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