Keggin type heteropolyacids-catalyzed synthesis of quinoxaline derivatives in water

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raincy
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Keggin type heteropolyacids was found to be an efficient and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of biologically active quinoxaline derivatives from the condensation of 1,2-diamine with 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds in excellent yields in water.This method provides a new and efficient protocol in terms of small quantity of catalyst,a wide scope of substrates,and simple work-up procedure. Keggin type heteropolyacids was found to be an efficient and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of biologically active quinoxaline derivatives from the condensation of 1,2-diamine with 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds in excellent yields in water. This method provides a new and efficient protocol in terms of small quantity of catalyst, a wide scope of substrates, and simple work-up procedure.
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