
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzs0901
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目的调查辽宁省不同自然地理环境蚤类组成和分布规律。方法采用生态学、动物地理学和形态分类学原理和方法。结果辽宁省迄今发现蚤类47种,隶属于6科23属,其中中国特有种6种,世界广布种6种,辽宁省广布种4种。辽东低山丘陵针阔叶混交林小区分布蚤种15属18种;辽东半岛赤松柞木林小区分布蚤种13属17种;辽河平原草甸草原小区分布蚤种16属19种;柳河流域沙丘灌木丛草甸草原小区分布蚤种11属13种;辽西滨海台地农田-草甸草原小区分布蚤种7属8种;辽西丘陵油松柞木林小区分布蚤种12属15种。努鲁儿虎山北麓丘陵台地干草原小区分布蚤种18属30种。结论自然环境是由各个生态要素组成。蚤类与其他生态要素一样,是环境不可分割的组成部分,其繁衍和分布受其他生态要素影响和制约。 Objective To investigate the composition and distribution of fleas in different natural and geographical environments in Liaoning Province. Methods Using ecology, animal geography and morphological taxonomy principles and methods. Results So far, 47 species of fleas were found in Liaoning Province, belonging to 6 genera and 23 genera, including 6 endemic species in China, 6 species widely distributed in the world and 4 widely distributed species in Liaoning Province. There were 15 species and 15 genera of flea species distributed in the area of ​​Liaodong hilly coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest. There were 17 species of flea species belonging to 13 genera and 13 species of flea species distributed in the Jiao-Song oak forest area in Liaodong Peninsula. 19 species of 16 genera and flea species distributed in the meadow steppe community of Liaohe Plain. There were 11 species and 13 species of flea species in pod meadow steppe community. There were 8 species of flea species in 7 plots in coastal plateau of Liaoning Province and 15 species of flea species in oasis pine hills in western Liaoning. Nulu child Hushan foothills in the foothills of the steppe community distribution flea species 18 species 30 species. Conclusion The natural environment is composed of various ecological elements. Like other ecological elements, fleas are an inseparable part of the environment. Their multiplication and distribution are affected and restricted by other ecological factors.
一、焊接的基本概念及分类 焊接是在金属之间,用局部加热或加压等手段,借助于金属内部原子的结合力,使金属连接成整体的一种加工方法。可分为熔化焊、压力焊、钎焊三大类。
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特发性浆液性睫状体脉络膜和视网膜脱离称为葡萄膜渗漏综合征(ureal effusion syndrome),其发病机理至今未全明了。有些患眼具有一种或多种先天性异常,诸如小眼球、巩膜和脉
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