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  New Zealand wasn’t chosen as the location for films The Lord of the Rings for nothing. It is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular places on earth, situated to the southeast of Australia. It may seem like a long way to travel, however, your visit will be one of the most memorable trips you make in your life.
  The Incredibly Diverse
  and Unspoilt Scenery
  Made up of two main islands and a host of smaller ones, New Zealand has an amazing range of breathtaking scenery, from subtropical forests, beaches and offshore islands in the north to glaciers, lakes, snow-covered mountains and large flat plains in the south. There are also fiords,volcanoes, hot springs and beautiful rolling green pastures—a diversity like no other on earth.
  Outdoor Adventures
  Where else can you go surfing, skiing, snow-boarding, kayaking, tramping, sailing, swimming atthe beach, parachuting, horse riding, caving—all within a 100-mile radius? And even on the same day! Also, don’t forget to try the bungy jump, which is invented and famous right here.
  The People
  “Maori” are local people, are very friendly and very welcoming to visitors. A wide range of cultures is represented although, as an ex British colony, the European influence is still strong.
  The Sparse
  With a land area the size of Great Britain, yet with just 4.5 million inhabitants, you don’t need to go far to find complete solitude. Most of the population is concentrated in five main cities, Auckland being the largest with a third of the country’s people, leaving plenty of open space in between.
  The Unique Wildlife
  New Zealand split from the large land mass joining Australia and Antarctica about 85 million years ago, resulting in bird and plant species that are found nowhere else. Forests contain an abundance of interesting plant life from the towering ancient kauri trees to fronds of nikau palms. You might even see a kiwi—a small, flightless bird that has become the national symbol.   新西兰是大约8500万年以前和澳大利亚跟南极洲大陆一起与亚欧大陆分离,从而形成了独特的野生动植物物种。森林包括了很多有趣的植物,从高耸的杉树到尼考棕榈。你可能还会见到几维鸟,一种体型小巧、不会飞行的鸟类,是新西兰的象征。
  The Climate
  New Zealand has a temperate climate, without extremes of hot or cold. From the north (warmest) to the south (coldest), average daytime temperatures range from 12°C to 25°C. The long warm summers are ideal for spending at one of the country’s many great beaches. The winters are cold enough to provide ample snow in the south for skiers and snowboarders. Spring and autumn are beautiful seasons, often with abundant rainfall which accounts for the country’s lush green landscape.
  The Ease of Travel
  With a great road network, there’s nothing easier than hopping in a car or RV (known locally as a campervan) and heading off on an adventure. And if you need directions or advice on the local attractions, every town has an Information Centre specifically to help tourists. Fuel is much cheaper than in Europe, too. There’s also an excellent intercity bus network covering the entire country and distances between towns and attractions are not too great.
  The Wine
  New Zealand wine is world famous for its quality—quite amazing when you consider it makes less than 1% of the world’s total. There are a number of places where you can make a day of it visiting wineries and tasting their offerings, particularly in Hawkes Bay and Marlborough, the two leading wine regions. There are also many top notch restaurants, particularly in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, where the best of New Zealand’s wines are showcased alongside world-class cuisine.
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