推进司法公正 维护法律尊严

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自治区十一届人大常委会从促进司法公正、保障公民权利人手,选择人民群众关心的热点难点问题,认真履行职能,做好服务保障工作,为推进司法公正,维护法律尊严做出了贡献。加大监督力度促进司法公正人大的司法监督职能,主要是对“两院”执法情况、重大工作任务完成情况和重要工作开展情况等,通过听取和审议专项工作报告、执法检查等途径提出工作建议,督促“两院”启动内部监督机制,采取措施防止和纠正司法工作中的问题,确保宪法、法律得到正确实施,确保司法权正确行使,使公民、法人和其他组织合法权益得到尊重维护。自治区人大常委 The 11th NPC Standing Committee of the State Council has earnestly fulfilled its duties and done its job of safeguarding its services by promoting the administration of justice and safeguarding the rights of civilians and selecting the hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses of the people. It has made its due contribution to the promotion of judicial fairness and the preservation of the dignity of the law. Intensifying supervision to promote judicial oversight functions of the judicial impartial people’s congress mainly focuses on the law enforcement situation of the “two chambers”, the accomplishment of major tasks and the development of important tasks, etc., through listening to and deliberation on special work reports and law enforcement inspections Work recommendations, urging the “two chambers” to start the internal supervision mechanism and take measures to prevent and correct the problems in judicial work, ensure the correct implementation of the constitution and laws, ensure the correct exercise of judicial power and get the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations Respect maintenance. Regional People’s Congress
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