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3月5日,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中指出,促进文化大发展、大繁荣是201 2年的主要任务之一;而文化强国、文化繁荣、文化改革在“两会”中被多次被提及。不久前,国家“十二五”文化产业规划纲要出台和《文化部“十二五”时期文化产业倍增计划》发布,表明了文化产业将成为推动我国国民经济持续发展的重要支点。面临我国努力实现“文化强国”的宏伟目标,努力推动文化事业和文化产业大发展大繁荣的契机,赏石文化作为中华传统文化的重要组成部分,将抓住机遇,迎来更美好的明天。 On March 5, Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out in his report on the work of the government that promoting cultural development and prosperity is one of the major tasks for 201 2; and that cultural power, cultural prosperity and cultural reform have been repeatedly implemented in the “two sessions” Mentioned. Not long ago, the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” for National Cultural Industries was promulgated and the “Double-Plan for Cultural Industries” was promulgated during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period” by the Ministry of Culture, indicating that the cultural industry will become an important fulcrum in promoting the sustained development of our national economy . Faced with the grand goal of “making China a strong country” and striving to promote the great development and prosperity of both cultural and cultural industries, as one of the important components of Chinese traditional culture, the stone culture will seize the opportunities and usher in a better tomorrow.
金钱的诱惑,私欲的贪梦,监督的失控,导演出了这一幕丑剧! 面对高息集资的诱惑,人们啊,你们要警惕! The temptation of money, the greed of selfish desires, the loss of s
A难度:★★★★☆词数:416建议时间:8分钟A state of emergency has been declared in the Thai capital Bangkok after one man was killed in cla- A difficulty: ★★★
每年农历十二月初八,即腊八,古时称腊日。腊八节是汉族传统的节日,在这一天里,人们举行一些祭祀仪式,庆祝丰收,并且感谢神灵,还会吃腊八粥。 The eighth day of the eighth
马克思关于东方社会法律文化的思想演变历经三个阶段 ,第一阶段着重论述东方专制主义 ,第二阶段在土地公有、独立自主的公社共同体以及君主专制三个层面展开阐述 ,第三阶段则
过去10年,江苏高考方案经历了4次变化,用了5个方案,如此频繁地变动,在全国极其罕见。南京一家调查机构的最新调查数据显示,46.25%的教师和76.7% In the past 10 years, the
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2007年4月,浙江省衢州市开展“特级教师跨县区带徒”活动,“林炳伟老师招3名徒弟”的消息一经发布,2天之内就吸引了30多名教师报名,最终只能采用公开考试的方式确定人选。 I