,The investigation on the relationship between the problem of long-term loan and economic growth

来源 :中国金融评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxy850628
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Purpose-Since the reform and opening-up policy,the long-term problem of loans became more and more serious when China’s economy maintained rapid growth.The purpose of this paper is to explore the profound causes of the medium-and long-term problem of loans and the relationship between it and economic growth.Design/methodology/approach-Using panel data for 28 provinces and cities of China during 1994-2005,this paper investigates the determinants on the maturity of bank credit using threshold panel data of Hansen.In addition,using dynamics panel data,this paper investigates the effects of the maturity structure of bank credit on economic growth.Findings-The drop of bank industry concentration tends to increase the supply of long-term loans.The raise of economic growth and the increase of industrialization degree promote the demand of long-term loans,significantly.Furthermore,the threshold effects of inflation exist.When the initial inflation is lower than 3.9 percent,the raise of inflation can increase the supply of long-term loans.When the initial inflation is higher than 3.9 percent,the raise of inflation can decrease the supply of long-term loans.The increase in the supply of long-term loans can promote the economic growth.Originality/value-The paper has two innovations:first,when studying the determinants on the maturity of bank credit,using the threshold panel approach takes account of the nonlinear adjustment of inflation;second,including the maturity of bank credit into the realm of financial development studies the relationship between this and economic growth.
随着时代变化而变化的欧洲婚姻观。  欧洲的婚姻观一直伴随着欧洲文明的发展而不断变化。古代欧洲的婚姻观和古代中国的婚姻观有很多相似之处,比如政治联姻、妻子地位低、婚姻买卖都是司空见惯的事。当然,婚姻观也一度受到政治制度和社会发展的影响,随着欧洲女性地位的提升、爱情观念的深入,婚姻观念也变得更加自由和开放。近亲结婚与政治联姻  近亲不能结婚这一禁忌,也许早就存在人类的基因中,有研究表明人们从原始社会时
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the financial supervision authority utilizes the restrictions of capital constraints imposing on commercial