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没想到,办报、办杂志也成了热门。党政机关办,群众团体也办;省市办,地县也办。公开的办不成,就办内部的;报刊号批不下,就以书代刊。五花八门,令人眼花缭乱。我不知道有没有人能够说清楚,中国到底有多少种(包括公开的、内部的以及各种巧立名目的)报刊。 按常识,一家报刊能在文化市场上立足,要靠它报道的权威,信息的灵敏,编排的考究,内容的丰富。而这些,又有赖于强有力、高 Unexpectedly, the newspaper, the magazine has become popular. Party and government offices, mass organizations also do; provincial and municipal offices, prefectures and counties also do. Public can not do, to do the internal; newspapers no less than approved, to book generation. Varied, dazzling. I do not know if anyone can tell us exactly how many kinds of Chinese newspapers (including open, internal and all sorts of clever ones) are. According to common sense, a newspaper can be based on the cultural market, rely on the authority it reports, the sensitive information, elegant layout, content rich. And these, again depend on strong, high
历经磨炼的羽翼一旦丰满,便有了高飞苍穹的力量。  ——题记  我自幼热爱跳高,只因为我幻想着,在全力跳起后短暂地悬浮于半空中的那一瞬,可以看到云从头顶流过,可以感受到风从脸颊掠过,可以享受双脚毫无着力点时脱离重力束缚的自由。这无与伦比的快意,竟如飞起来一般!  怀揣着这份期冀,一见学校举办运动会,我便迫不及待地报了名参加跳高比赛。站在竹竿之前,初次尝试,我信心满满地一跃——突兀地,在竹竿落地的撞击