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目的 为了解辽宁省急性弛缓性麻痹 (简称AFP)病例的流行病学特征及监测系统指标的完成情况 ,对 1993年以来的AFP病例及监测状况进行分析。方法 用流行病学方法进行比较分析。结果 AFP病例的敏感性逐年提高 ,自 1995年以来已连续 5年稳定在 1/ 10万以上 ;报告AFP病例的县区占全省县区的比例自 1993年的 34%逐年增加到 1999的 6 2 % ;近年来AFP病例已无明显的年历分布和季节高峰 ;零剂次免疫的AFP病例逐年减少 ,1999年仅占1 1% ;双份合格便标本采集率自 1996年以来一直稳定在 80 %以上。结论 自 1996年以来 ,监测系统的各项质量控制指标均达到WHO和卫生部的要求。但全省仍存在监测薄弱地区和环节 ,今后须加强对高危地区的监测工作 ,以提高监测系统识别输入野病毒的能力。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases in Liaoning Province and the completion of monitoring system indicators, and to analyze the AFP cases since 1993 and their monitoring status. Methods Epidemiological methods were used for comparative analysis. Results The sensitivity of AFP cases has been increasing year by year, and has been stable at more than 10 million for five consecutive years since 1995. The proportion of counties in the province reporting AFP cases increased from 34% in 1993 to 6,000 in 1999 2%. In recent years, AFP cases have no obvious almanac distribution and peak season. Zero-dose immunization AFP cases decreased year by year, accounting for only 11% in 1999. The collection rate of double qualified samples has been stable at 80 %the above. Conclusion Since 1996, all quality control indicators of the monitoring system have met the requirements of the WHO and the Ministry of Health. However, the province still has areas and areas of weak monitoring. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of high-risk areas so as to enhance the monitoring system’s ability to recognize wild-type viruses.
血管肽酶C(Angiotenase C,Ang C)是一种脯氨酰羧基肽酶(prolylcarboxypeptidase,PRCP)能水解血管紧张素II,III分别生成血管紧张素1-7,2-7,也可以通过激活高分子激肽原和前激
战斗在深山密什匹的测量己队金木国 馒祝您新年愉快工作跃进 The team that has been fighting in the midsummer Mishima will be pleased to have a happy New Year leap