
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chren1981
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运用秘密力量侦察破案、控制阵地是公安工作的必须。厦门市的刑侦秘密工作根据现实斗争的需要,统一规划,合理布建,坚持积极慎重、隐蔽精干的原则,抓管理、抓质量、抓效益,取得了一定成绩。在刑事犯罪趋于智能化、集团化、流动化、隐蔽化的今天,作为刑事犯罪情报主体的刑侦秘密工作必须更新观念,拓宽思路,广辟情报来源,为刑事侦察提供大量的具有时效性、超前性和严密性的情报信息。有鉴于此,征得市局领导的批准,通过对全市原有秘密力量过滤筛选,大胆尝试,培养物建尖子力量,实行专人管理,正确指挥,积极运用,主动进攻,从而攻克了一大批重案难案。1993年至1994年上半年共协助破获刑事案件355起(其中重特大案件253起,提供有价值的线索621条,缴获赃款赃物价值人民币434.45万元、摩托车16辆、海洛因9326.88克、鸦片7657克、大麻4000克、“五四”手枪1支、土制手枪16支、子弹46发等)。 Using secret forces to detect and solve cases and control their positions is a must for public security work. According to the needs of the actual struggle, the criminal investigation secret work in Xiamen Municipality has unified planning and reasonable construction, adherence to the principle of being active, careful and covert, focusing on management, quality control and efficiency and achieved certain results. Today criminal criminal tends to be intelligentized, collectivized, fluidized and hidden. Today, the criminal investigation secret work which is the main body of criminal intelligence must update its concept, broaden its thinking, broaden sources of intelligence, provide a large number of time-sensitive, Advanced and tight intelligence information. In view of this, with the approval of the municipal leadership, through the screening and screening of the original secret power in the city, bold attempts were made to cultivate the top aces, implement special personnel management, correctly command, actively use and take the initiative to attack, thus capturing a large number of heavy Case difficult case. Between 1993 and the first half of 1994, it helped to crack 355 criminal cases (253 of them were extremely serious, providing 621 valuable clues, seizing 4,344,500 yuan worth of stolen goods, 16 motorcycles, 9,326.88 grams of heroin and 7,657 opiates G, 4000 grams of cannabis, one “May Fourth” pistol, 16 indigenous pistols, 46 bullets, etc.).
在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业思想政治工作面临许多新情况、新问题,笔者试就培养企业职工的职业道德作初步探讨。 一、培养企业职工的职业道德要做到两个坚持 第一,要坚持
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当前,在社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设中,如何扭转“一手硬,一手软”的现象。一直是大家关心焦虑的问题。 At present, we must reverse the phenomenon of “one-handedn
美国电子协会(American Eletronic Association)以对美国高科技工作,特别是国际互联网、网页设计与管理工作做了调查研究。根据他们最新发布的结果,发现国际互联网(Internet