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长期以来,受应试教育的影响,绝大部分历史教师未能正确处理传道、授业、解惑三者的辩证关系,教学仅仅局限于让学生接受具体知识、理解概念、掌握解题方法和步骤,以期考试得高分,却忽视了对学生思想情感、道德情操的教育,特别不能有效地利用历史科的得天独厚的优势对学生进行爱国主义教育,使学生不能通过历史课程的学习形成正确的世界观、人生观。这种舍本求末的教学现状实在是令人痛心。下面我将结合我十几年初中历史教学的经验,就如何在 For a long time, under the influence of exam-oriented education, the vast majority of history teachers failed to correctly handle the dialectical relationship among preaching, teaching and solving. Teaching is limited to allowing students to accept specific knowledge, understand concepts, master problem solving methods and steps , In order to score a high score, but neglected the students’ ideological emotions, moral sentiment education, in particular, can not effectively use the unique advantages of the history of the students to carry out patriotism education so that students can not learn through the history of the formation of a correct world outlook , Outlook on life This kind of circumstance of teaching situation is really sad. Now I will combine my more than 10 years of junior high school history teaching experience, how to
在本次世界客车和客运营运商大会上,外国友人对这本中国唯一的“客运营运商经理”的杂志兴趣盎然,他们对《运输经理世界》的关注绝不亚于对中国客车的关注 At this World Bu
有个学生病恹恹的,一次,他蔫蔫地在走廊上晒太阳,一位老师打趣道:“孩子,你最好用鸡蛋壳把自己包起来!” There was a sick student. Once, he was basking in the sun on
襄 翼 撇 鹭 愚撼落 绷 霸 { 攀 子诩黔姿器级绪黔碾陌鼠铭欲漱 …篡癫蒸 婴鹭黔弊豁浪杯咫粤尧婴 豁练址变名份渤 濒瀚粥 雳 溯 铡蘸 摹 黔黔黝 } 撇 蓬 馨 日白‘遨自出 肇
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进入后过渡期,中国汽车工业将面临配额取消、关税降低、汽车销售及金融放开三大变化,尽管将经历艰难时世,但后过渡期中国汽车工业仍可谨慎乐观。 After entering the transi