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我厂车工车间,有十三台CA9215液压半自动车床,其中本厂自己制造的有十二台,外购的1台。不管是本厂自制还是外购的,夹紧油缸漏油的现象都很严重。我厂车工车间以工人为主体的三结合技术革新小组,遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“破除迷信,解放思想”“群众是真正的英雄”的教导,与车间同志们共同努力,对原来的油缸进行了分析,找出了漏油的原因,在学习兄弟厂关于夹紧油缸和气缸方面的经验的基础上,经过多次试验,设计和制造了一种卡紧油缸,经过两年多来的使用,情况良好。 1.结 构 这种油缸的结构如图1所示。当高压油进入油缸左腔,右腔与油箱相通时,则高压油推动活塞2向右移动,并按下列次序将力传至拉杆,即活塞2→轴承8210→轴承座 I workshop lathe workshop, there are thirteen CA9215 hydraulic semi-automatic lathes, of which the factory made its own twelve, purchased a Taiwan. Whether factory-made or outsourced, the phenomenon of oil leakage clamping cylinder are very serious. In our workshop, the three-in-one technical innovation team with workers as the main body follows the guidance of Chairman Mao, the great leader, on “breaking the superstition and emancipating the mind” and “the masses are the real heroes.” Together with the workshop comrades, Analysis, to find out the reasons for the oil spill, learning brother brothers on the clamping cylinder and cylinder based on experience, after many tests, design and manufacture of a clamping cylinder, after more than two years of use Good condition. 1. Structure This cylinder structure shown in Figure 1. When the high-pressure oil into the left chamber of the cylinder, the right chamber communicates with the tank, then the high-pressure oil to promote the piston 2 to move to the right, and in accordance with the following order of force will be transmitted to the rod, the piston 2 → bearing 8210 → bearing
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