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2004年7月5日至12日,应台湾自创品牌协会邀请,祖国大陆中华商标协会参访团一行20人赴台湾地区进行交流。两岸知识产权民间团体就有关商标事务进行座谈,针对两岸业界抢注商标的现象,大家都表示非常关注,两岸业界也就此进行了深入的探讨。本文特将有关“金门”商标申请注册过程介绍给广大台商。 From July 5 to July 12, 2004, at the invitation of Taiwan’s own brand association, a delegation of 20 people from the Chinese Trademark Association of the mother mainland went to Taiwan for exchanges. Cross-Strait IPR NGOs held informal discussions on trademark issues. Concerning the phenomenon of syndicate of trademark on both sides of the Strait, we all expressed great concern and the industry across the Strait conducted an in-depth discussion on this issue. This article will be about the “Golden Gate” trademark application registration process introduced to the majority of Taiwanese businessmen.
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