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音乐,作为一种艺术门类,经常被人冠以艺术之名而敬而远之,但无论怎样阳春白雪、高高在上都注定无法脱离生活,脱离时代。在我国当前的市场经济条件下,音乐艺术如果固守“艺术”的盛名而绝缘于市场,拒不接受商品经济时代的洗礼,那么就很难做到与时俱进,容易陷入固步自封、四面楚 Music, as an art genre, is often kept away from the name of art, but no matter what it is, no matter how high or low it is, it is doomed to be out of touch with life. Under the current market economy in our country, music art, if sticking to the prestige of “art” and being insulated from the market, refuses to accept the baptism of the era of commodity economy, then it is hard to keep pace with the times, Chu
A weakly nonlinear theory is presented to study the effects of slippage on the stability of the ultra-thin polymer films. The nonlinear mathematical model is co
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AIM:To investigate the effect of Tripterygiumhyp-oglaucum Hutch(THH)on the assembly anddisassembly process of tubulin and its possible mode ofaction.METHODS:In
While data are available on the effect of medicinal plants on intestinal motility and their antibacterial action, there is a paucity of information on their mod