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1996年8月2日,江苏省滨海县蔡桥镇三岔初级中学二年级一班学生徐涛从县看守所里走出来,两个多月的囚徒生活使他终生难忘。望着繁华的县城,徐涛第一次感受到阳光的灿烂和自由的珍贵。年仅14岁的徐涛,去年5月8日上午早自习时,同班的两位同学下象棋,徐涛趴在同学章雄雄背上观看,章雄雄不让趴。徐涛很不高兴,悄悄喊来好朋友王竹之,说:“替章雄雄玩玩。”言毕,徐涛将王竹之的手放在章雄雄头上摸了一下,见章雄雄没有反应,徐涛又在其头上轻叩了一下。章雄雄回头问:“谁打我的头?”王竹之答:“我没有打。”章雄雄见其身后仅徐涛和王竹之二人,便认定系徐涛所为,伸手打了徐涛两下。徐涛当即还手,双方纠缠起来,由于章雄雄身小力薄,其胸腹部、腰部等处被徐涛猛击了几拳。约20分钟后,上课铃响,双方各自回到座位上。上课时,章雄雄感到腹部疼痛难忍,便于课后向老师请假回家。5月9日,因肚子疼痛,章雄雄没有 On August 2, 1996, Xu Tao, a sophomore at Sancha Junior High School in Caiqiao Town, Binhai County, Jiangsu Province, came out of the county detention center. Prisoners living more than two months made him unforgettable. Looking at the bustling county, Xu Tao first felt the sunshine and the freedom of the precious. Xu Tao, only 14 years old, on the morning of May 8 last morning, self-study, two classmates chess, Xu Tao lying on the back of classmates Zhang Xiongxiong watch, Zhang Xiongxiong keep lying. Xu Tao was very upset, quietly shouting good friend Wangzhuzhi, said: “for Zhang Xiongxiong play.” Completion, Xu Tao will Wangzhuzhi hand on the head of Zhang Xiongxiong touched a moment, see Zhangxiongxiong no response, Xu Tao in its Tap the head a bit. Zhang Xiongxiong looked back and asked: “Who hit my head?” Wang Zhizhi replied: “I did not fight.” Zhang Xiongxiong see behind only Xu Tao and Wang bamboo two people, it is determined that Department of Xu Tao, hand hit Xu Tao twice. Xu Tao immediately fight back, the two entangled together, as Zhang Xiongxiong body strength, the chest and abdomen, waist and other places by Xu Tao hit a few punches. About 20 minutes later, the class rang and both returned to their seats. During class, Zhang Xiongxiong felt the abdominal pain was unbearable, it is easy to leave home after class to the teacher. May 9, due to stomach pain, Zhang Xiongxiong did not
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不以营利为目的的复制,应不应该认定为侵权复制? Not for profit for the purpose of copying, should not be identified as infringing copy?