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高血压是最常见的心血管病,在全国范围内大力开展高血压病的防治,积极有效地治疗高血压患者,从而全面降低心血管病的发病率和死亡率,是全体医务工作者面临的艰巨任务。根据国外的经验和我国的国情,完成这一任务的最有效方法就是社区防治。在这支高血压防治的医疗队伍中,以服务贴近群众、覆盖面广泛为特点的全科医生和基层医生是中坚力量,他们在有效防治高血压的工作中起着重要作用。 这里刊出的《高血压防治基层实用规范》,切合不同基层医院的实际情况,基层医生可以根据自身能力和医院的客观条件选择性进行,较1999年颁布的《中国高血压防治指南》具有更强的操作性。2003年2月卫生部疾病控制司向各地印发并推荐《高血压防治基层实用规范》,所有基层医生和社区医生都必须掌握并贯彻实施,不断提高对高血压的预防、管理和诊治能力。 自本期起,本刊分期连载《高血压防治基层实用规范》。此后将邀请有关专家做《高血压防治基层实用规范》解读。 Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease, vigorously carry out prevention and treatment of hypertension in the country, and actively and effectively treat hypertensive patients, thereby reducing the overall incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality, all medical workers are facing Arduous task. According to the experiences of other countries and China’s national conditions, the most effective way to accomplish this task is community control. Among the medical teams for prevention and treatment of hypertension, general practitioners and grassroots doctors who are close to the people and serve the public are the backbone of their work. They play an important role in effectively preventing and treating high blood pressure. The “Practical Norms for Prevention and Control of Hypertension” published here are tailored to the actual conditions of different primary hospitals. Primary doctors can choose according to their own abilities and objective conditions of the hospital. Compared with the Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in China promulgated in 1999 Strong operability. In February 2003, the Disease Control Department of the Ministry of Public Health issued and recommended the “Practical Norms for Prevention and Control of Hypertension” to all localities. All grassroots doctors and community doctors must grasp and implement them to continuously improve the prevention, management and diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. Since this issue, this issue serialized serial “basic norms of prevention and control of hypertension.” Afterwards, relevant experts will be invited to interpret “Practical Norms for Prevention and Control of Hypertension.”
See related article,pages 35-39.Atherosclerotic diseases is a diffuse process thatinvolves the coronaries,carotids,renals and all otherperipheral arteries owin
近 20年来,中国市场新涌现出来的造车企业几乎赶上了全球市场此前100年的总和。仅此一点就能看出中国经济为什么可以充满活力了,在这帮疯子面前,资金、技术和规模壁垒可以完全不是问题。  当然从结果上看,经过近20年的积淀,很多品牌已经离成功越来越近了。这也印证了当年央企某位老总那句“中国汽车要耐得住寂寞20年”。虽然那个时候大家都在骂这位老总,但人家说的是对的。只不过在近20年当中,有些人是在寂寞中