
来源 :中国就业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyh_sh
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全国再就业工作座谈会以后,各省、自治区、直辖市党委、政府认真学习和贯彻落实会议精神,把就业作为民生之本,作为践行“三个代表”重要思想的实际行动,明确目标,狠抓落实,在不折不扣贯彻落实中央部署的同时,结合本地实际,采取了一系列有效措施,创造了一大批好的经验和做法,有力地推动了就业再就业工作。今年1—9月,绝大多数地区就业再就业的工作进度均完成或超额完成全年计划任务的四分之三。绝大多数省份和城市的城镇登记失业率控制在预定目标之内。特别是7、8、9、10四个月,就业再就业政策的落实有明显进展,已经开始发挥促进就业的效应。 After the national seminar on reemployment, the party committees and governments in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the conference and took employment as the basis of livelihood as the actual act of practicing the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' clarifying the goal, At the same time, in line with the actual situation of the Central Government, we took a series of effective measures and created a large number of good experiences and practices, effectively promoting the employment and reemployment work. From January to September this year, the progress of employment and reemployment in most regions completed or exceeded three-fourths of the annual planned tasks. The registered urban unemployment rate in most provinces and cities is within the target. In particular, in the four months of July, August, September and October, there have been marked progress in the implementation of the employment and reemployment policy and the effect of promoting employment has begun to take effect.
请看2006年NMET第35题:Mary,here—everybody else,stay where you are.A.come B.comesC.to come D.coming本题是对带有呼语的祈使句的考查。Mary是呼语,被逗号隔开,后面是动
我们希望各地政府都能从自身做起,为清理工程施欠款、为解决拖欠民工工资问题、为建立诚信社会带个好头 We hope that all local governments will start from themselves,
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随着气候的转暖,安徽省农户也迎来了农药使用旺季。据安徽省植保总站预测,今年该省农作物病虫害有可能偏重发生,农药产品的市场行情和去年相比又会发生什么样的变化呢? As t