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冬季和初春低温季节,为害柑桔的病虫一般都转入越冬休眠阶段,抵抗力弱,潜伏(?)所集中,这时期抓紧防治,容易消灭,收效较大。因而,在冬季结合清园开展除虫灭病,把病虫害消灭在越多阶段和发生初期尚未为害之前,可为明年消灭主要病虫,取得丰产、优质的果品打下良好的基础。越冬病虫的防治,必须根据各地柑园病虫发生的主要对象及其越冬规律的特点,分别采取有效的措施,才能收到显著的防治效果。现将冬季和初春柑桔病虫的防治措施,归纳几个要点,供各地参考:一、清除柑园的落叶、落果和周围杂草:采果后,首先要进行柑园大扫除,要求做到三光:即园内以及周围杂草锄光,落叶和落果集中烧光。因为为害柑桔的病虫,很多是在落叶和落地烂果或杂草上渡过休眠期的,有些病菌随着地上病叶、病果而散播于土壤中,来年依 Winter and early spring low temperature season, pests and diseases of citrus generally transferred to the winter dormancy stage, weak resistance, latent (?) Concentrated, pay close attention to prevention and control during this period, easy to eliminate, greater success. Therefore, it is a good foundation for eradicating the major pests and diseases and obtaining high-yielding and high-quality fruits next year before integrating pests and diseases in the Qingyuan Park in winter in order to eliminate pests and eliminate pests and diseases to a greater extent and before the initial occurrence. Prevention and treatment of overwintering pests and diseases, must be based on the main objects of citrus garden pests and diseases throughout the year and the characteristics of the law of overwintering, respectively, to take effective measures to receive significant control effect. Now winter and early spring citrus pest control measures, summed up a few key points for reference: First, clear citrus leaves, deciduous and surrounding weeds: After picking the fruit, you must first clean the citrus garden, to achieve Three light: That is, weeds hoe around the garden and around, deciduous and deciduous concentrated burn. Because of the pests and diseases caused by citrus, many are in the deciduous and rotten floor landing or weeds through the dormant period, and some germs with the sick leaves and disease spread in the soil, the year according to
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