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我国《公民道德建设实施纲要》已正式颁布,这是我国公民道德建设的一个里程碑,也是我国群众性精神文明建设具有极为重要意义的一件大事。《纲要》提出“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献”二十字的基本道德规范,继承了中华民族的传统美德,弘扬了革命道德,具有鲜明的时代特色。职业道德是社会各类从业人员职业观念、职业态度、职业技能、职业纪律和职业作风的总和,是社会各类从业人员所必须遵循的道德规范和准则。职业道德对社会各类从业人员来说,虽然不具有像法律那样的强制性,但却具有影响更为广泛、更为深入的约束性。正是靠着这种无形而又无所不在的约束,才能使社会各类从业者明廉耻、知礼义、讲求诚信、爱业敬业,在自己的岗位上尽职尽责,使社会经济发展形成有序、和谐,百业兴旺的好局面。职业道德与社会的职业分工相伴而生,并随着经济社会的发展而与时俱进。当前,我国正处在社会主义市场经济发展的初期阶段,体制的转轨、社会阶 The “Outline for the Implementation of Civic Moral Construction” has been officially promulgated in our country. This is a milestone in the construction of the civic morality of our country and a major event that is of great significance to the building of a mass spiritual civilization in our country. The “Outline” proposes that the basic ethics of “the law of patriotism and law, integrity of the ceremony, solidarity and friendship, thrift and self-improvement, dedication and devotion” inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, carry forward the revolutionary ethics and have distinct characteristics of the times. Professional ethics is the sum of occupational attitudes, professional attitudes, professional skills, professional disciplines and professional style of all kinds of employees in society. It is a code of ethics and norms that social practitioners must follow. Professional ethics for all types of social workers, although not as mandatory as the law, but it has a more extensive and more in-depth binding. It is by virtue of this invisible and ubiquitous restraint that various types of practitioners in society can make their shamelessness, righteousness and righteousness, their integrity and love their careers, their due diligence, and the social and economic development in an orderly and harmonious manner , A prosperous business situation. Professional ethics and social division of labor accompanied by Health, and with the economic and social development and advance with the times. At present, our country is in the initial stage of the development of the socialist market economy, the transition of the system and the social order
【摘要】本文首先分析了低碳建筑工程理念,对自密实混凝土施工技术、屋面种植技术以及自流平细石混凝土技术作了详细的阐述,旨在为图书馆的低碳工程建筑的实施提供可行的方法,保障建筑低碳理念的实施。  【关键词】低碳 种植屋面 绿色施工  【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0243-01  一、低碳建筑工程理念  低碳建筑的产生主要是由于近几年生态环境质量的
本文介绍监听 DECnet 网上报文的一种方法,并用此方法剖析了 DECnet-VAX 以太网协议的主要部分。根据3COM 以太网和 DECnet 以太网的特点,采用直接互连方案,实现了网上异种机