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我科自1990年10月至1991年7月,对100例慢性肥厚性鼻炎患者采用了双下鼻甲内注射转移因子治疗,本组病例均为经鼻腔内滴用1%呋麻滴鼻剂及口服药物无效仍持续鼻塞的病例。体征均为下鼻甲粘膜苍白、粉红或淡紫红色,并有桑椹状增生。经双下鼻甲内注射转移因子后,鼻腔通气得到明显改善,且疗效满意。注射后无1例发生下鼻甲急性感染及任何 Our department from October 1990 to July 1991, 100 cases of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis with double inferior turbinate injection of transfer factor treatment, the patients were intranasal drip with 1% furosemide nasal drops and Oral medication is still invalid cases of nasal congestion continued. Signs are inferior turbinate mucosal pale, pink or light purple, and mulberry hyperplasia. After double inferior turbinate injection of transfer factor, nasal ventilation was significantly improved, and the effect is satisfactory. No case of acute turbinate infection occurred after 1 and any injection occurred
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【正】 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(Sinopec Corp., HK: 386; NYSE: SNP; LSE:SNP; SH: 600028) announces its interim re-sults for year ended June 30th, 2
20世纪 90年代以来 ,集成了微处理器的呼吸机越来越普及。近几年来 ,国外发展起来一门新兴边缘学科———机械通气监护学 ,专门研究呼吸机治疗时的图形 ,以指导呼吸机参数的
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目的明确GATA4在小鼠胚胎心脏发育过程中的时序表达,并阐明其组蛋白修饰调控机制。方法选取胎龄11.5 d(E11.5)至新生0.5 d胎鼠心脏,RT-PCR检测胎鼠心肌细胞中GATA4mRNA表达水
The fascinating history of synthetic rubberstarted with an idea patented 100 years ago -and is far from over yet. In 1909, the chemistFritz Hofmann succeeded i