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春季气温逐渐回升,果树解除休眠期进入生长期,从萌芽、现蕾到开花坐果,抗寒能力逐渐减弱。例如,苹果、梨和桃等,在休眠期可耐-15℃甚至更低的低温,而在开花期温度降至-1~2℃时,便会发生冻害,-3℃以下便可造成较大的损失。到坐果期,即使遇到短时间0℃以下的低温,也会给幼嫩组织带来致命的伤害。在果树开花坐果的早春季节,北方冷空气时而南侵形成霜冻。霜冻出现愈晚。危害愈重;果树萌芽开花愈早,遇霜冻危害的机会愈多,损失也愈大。防御果园春霜冻的主要方法有: Spring temperatures gradually picked up, fruit trees to lift the dormant period into the growing season, from budding, budding to flowering fruit, cold ability gradually weakened. For example, apples, pears and peaches are tolerant to low temperatures of -15 ° C or even lower during dormancy, while frost damage occurs when the temperature drops to -1 to 2 ° C during flowering and below -3 ° C Big loss. To the fruit set, even in the face of a short time below 0 ℃ low temperature, but also to young organizations will cause fatal injuries. Early flowering fruit trees in the early spring, the northern cold air sometimes south frost formation. The later the frost appears. The harder the more, the earlier the flowering and fruiting of the fruit tree, the more the chance of encountering the frost damage and the greater the loss. The main methods of defensive orchard spring frost are:
细菌溢检验法 发病薯苗(薯蔓)的维管束中充满着无数的细菌,把小块病组织放在少量清水中,大量细菌就向清水移动,形成细菌溢。利用细菌的这种特性,可以检验某些病害是否属于细
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大连市近日出台了《城镇职工基本医疗保险定点住院医疗机构量化考核,竞争定点管理 暂行办法》,要求由参保人员、社会各界代表、卫生行政部门、医保经办部门四个方面参与,通过问
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当今年大部分卫生保健立法还处 于反复讨论陷入僵局的时候,一项关于扩大卫生保健安全网的法案是其中很少的被签署为法律的法案之一。 卫生保健安全网修正案批准给予社区健康