
来源 :安徽林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z284769
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肥西县的农田林网建设始于1993年,目前已初具规模。栽植的主要树种是水杉、池杉和意杨。近两年,笔者对农田林网的现状、林木生长、存在问题等作了调查,现将调查结果分述如下:1 基本概况肥西县地处江淮丘陵腹部,境内分为低山区、岗区、湖河平原区三部分。西部地区多山丘,为大别山的余脉,中部和北部岗冲相间,占全县总面积的85.1%,东南一隅沿河、滨湖一带系冲积平原,属北亚热带湿润季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温15.5℃,最低为-15.7℃,最高达40.6℃。雨量充沛,年均降水量为1080mm,无霜期240天。土壤多为粘盘黄棕壤和水稻土。pH 值5.5-7。自然条件较为优越,适合多种林木生长。 Feixi farmland forest network construction began in 1993, has begun to take shape. The main tree species planted are Metasequoia, Ipomoea, and Poplar. The past two years, the author of the status quo of farmland forest network, tree growth, existing problems were investigated, the findings are as follows: 1 Basic profile Feixi County is located in the abdomen Jianghuai hills, the territory is divided into low mountain area, , Lake Plain area three parts. The mountainous area in the western part of the Dabie Mountains is the outer veins of the Dabie Mountains. The central and northern parts of the province occupy 85.1% of the total area of ​​the whole county. The southeastern corner of the river and the Binhu area are alluvial plains and belong to the subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. The average temperature of 15.5 ℃, a minimum of -15.7 ℃, up to 40.6 ℃. Rainfall, with an average annual rainfall of 1080mm, 240 days frost-free period. Soil mostly sticky yellow brown soil and paddy soil. pH 5.5-7. More superior natural conditions, suitable for a variety of forest growth.
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