
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naruia
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目的了解广西各级结核病防治机构人力资源现状,为进一步加强结核病防治机构人力资源建设提供参考依据。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统中的结核病管理信息系统中导出2010年广西结核病防治人员相关数据,运用Excel及SPSS13.0软件对各级人员的基本情况、结防工作年限、学历、学位、职称和编制情况进行统计分析。结果广西共有结核病防治在岗人员1117人,其中在编人员817人(占73.1%),有专业技术职称人员912人(占81.6%)。省级以30岁以下、结核病防治工作年限在10年以下、本科以上学历、学士学位、初级职称及聘任人员占多数;地市级和县级以30~50岁、大专学历、无学位、中级职称及在编人员占多数。结论广西各级结核病防治机构人员数量不足,人员配置结构不够合理。各级结核病防治机构应加强人力资源建设,在充分发挥现有人才资源优势的基础上,改革人事制度和激励机制,吸纳更多专业技术人员加入结核病防治工作。 Objective To understand the status quo of human resources in tuberculosis prevention and control institutions at all levels in Guangxi and to provide reference for further strengthening the human resources construction of tuberculosis prevention and control institutions. Methods The data of tuberculosis prevention and control staff in Guangxi in 2010 were deduced from the information system of tuberculosis management in China’s disease prevention and control information system. The basic information of personnel at all levels, such as working period, education degree, degree and title And the preparation of statistical analysis. Results There were 1117 active TB staff in Guangxi, including 817 staff (73.1%) and 912 professionals (81.6%) with professional and technical titles. The provincial level is below 30 years of age and the TB working life is below 10 years. Bachelor degree or above, bachelor’s degree, junior professional title and employed staff are the majority; prefectural and county levels are 30-50 years old, college degree, non-degree, Professional title and editor in the majority. Conclusion The number of TB prevention and treatment agencies at all levels in Guangxi is not enough, and the staffing structure is not reasonable enough. TB control institutions at all levels should strengthen the building of human resources and, on the basis of giving full play to the advantages of existing human resources, reform the personnel system and incentive mechanism to attract more professional and technical personnel to join TB control work.
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