
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c546852942
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The cantaloupe-like particles of CeOHCO_3 were synthesized in aqueous solution by using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as soft template. Then, the bunchiness rods of CeO_2 were obtained by calcining CeOHCO_3 at 450 ℃. The results of thermogravimetric/differential thermal analysis reveal that an endothermic reaction with decomposition is involved in the transformation process from CeOHCO_3 to CeO_2. By scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, it is found that the orthorhombic phase CeOHCO_3 particles are constituted of short nanorods with diameters ranging from several tens nm to over 100 nm, and the cubic phase CeO_2 rods are composed of small particles with diameter ca. 15 nm. From the results of UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence analysis, it is found that the CeO_2 possess abundant defects, and the band gaps of the CeO_2 and CeOHCO_3 are ca. 2.70 eV and 3.87 eV, respectively. The cantaloupe-like particles of CeOHCO 3 were synthesized in aqueous solution by using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as soft template. Then, the bunchiness rods of CeO 2 were obtained by calcining CeOHCO 3 at 450 ° C. The results of thermogravimetric / differential thermal analysis reveal that an endothermic reaction with decomposition is involved in the transformation process from CeOHCO 3 to CeO 2. By scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, it is found that the orthorhombic phase CeOHCO 3 particles are composed of short nanorods with diameters ranging from tens tens nm to over 100 nm, and the cubic phase CeO 2 rods are composed of small particles with diameter ca. 15 nm. From the results of UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence analysis, it is found that the CeO 2 possess abundant defects, and the band gaps of the CeO 2 and CeOHCO_3 are ca. 2.70 eV and 3.87 eV, respectively.
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一个冬夜,无雨,四周寂静。我坐在书桌前,眼前是一片浓黑的景象,目之所及,窗外没有一盏亮着的灯,惟独我屋里,投下一道光,散向窗外的世界。   我盯着窗外的空气,于无声处,茫茫然的,我有种奇异的感觉。这书房的窗就像一辆在黑夜起程驶往远方的列车的窗,我曾经有过很多次这样的体会,与父母坐上在冬夜出发驶向老家的列车,车里很空,透过被压得很低的窗户,是一片被黑幕覆盖得更为辽阔的景象,这时,心中总会有一种辽阔的