CAEXPO Advancing ASEAN—China Tourism Cooperation

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  Since 1980s, tourism cooperation between ASEAN and China has achieved remarkable progress: The number of flights between ASEAN countries and China has exceeded 2,700 per week; over 30 million people have engaged in ASEAN-China tourism exchanges; and the annual number of tourists travelling back and forth between ASEAN and China has increased by six times, compared with over a decade ago.
  The ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation was inaugurated in Manila, the Philippines in March 2017, followed by many theme events, including Mekong Tourism Forum and CAEXPO Tourism Exhibition (CTE), which are aimed at enhancing bilateral exchanges and cooperation in tourism, boosting people-to-people connectivity between the two sides and contributing to the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road construction.
  In China’s Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) more than 600 years ago, Zheng He, a great Chinese navigator, once made “seven expeditions to the western seas”, setting foot in Southeast Asian countries and bringing business opportunities to local people at that time; now, ASEAN’s tourist destinations are highly favored by Chinese tourists. CAEXPO, an important platform for ASEAN-China cooperation in various fields, will help strengthen tourism links between the two sides, by virtue of City of Charm (CoC) mechanism and CAEXPO Tourism Exhibition.
  An increasingly close friendship through exchange visits
  “Tourism, viewed as a bridge for civilization dissemination, cultural exchanges and friendship enhancement, is the most direct and natural way of communication between people,” said Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre Mme. Yang Xiuping, “Tourism cooperation has always been regarded as one of the highlights of ASEAN-China relations. Tourism exerts a powerful influence on the economic and social development of ASEAN and China and on the promotion of bilateral people-to-people connectivity, consolidating the public support and social foundation for bilateral ties.”
  “You’d better go to the Philippines yourself, and then you will find that Filipino people are quite honest and friendly,” Ms. Xiao writes in her travel note after returning home from the Philippines in 2016. As of now, it is estimated that China has become the largest tourist source country of Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, the second largest of Singapore, and the third largest of Malaysia.
  In the meantime, China has also attracted the attention of more and more ASEAN tourists. Now, there are six ASEAN countries among the top 15 tourist source countries of China, according to the statistics. In 2016, Vietnamese tourists travelling to China amounted to over one million, and so did Malaysia and the Philippines. In Guangxi, which is adjacent to ASEAN, the annual number of inbound tourists exceeds three million, with ASEAN tourists accounting for nearly half of the total.   Driven by the flourishing of tourism exchanges, more substantial progress has been made in the ASEAN-China cooperation in various fields.
  As the number of tourists involved in ASEAN-China tourism exchanges continues to increase, bilateral tourism cooperation has been elevated to a higher level, apart from generating considerable tourist revenues, comprehensively accelerating the construction of tourism infrastructure and stimulating mutual investment.
  CoC: A platform for demonstrating a city’s enchantment
  Since the CoC exhibition, one of the five themes of CAEXPO, was firstly launched at the 2nd CEXPO, more than 100 provinces and cities of ASEAN and China have been presented to the target audiences. In the pavilions of CoC, we can see exquisite decorations and layouts, distinctive national customs performances, abundant images and photos, as well as featured products. Visiting the pavilions has made quite a few Chinese tourists yearn for a travel to ASEAN.
  At present, CoC has directly impacted not only the exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN-China cities but also the improvement of the charming cities’ international fame and competitiveness. By virtue of CoC, charming cities — introduced by ASEAN such as Malaysia’ Malacca, Cambodia’s Pagan, the Philippines’s Cebu, and Vietnam’s Hoian — have become the new tourist destinations favored by more Chinese tourists.
  For China’s part, for example, to respond to the theme of the 11th CAEXPO — jointly building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Ningxia was identified as China’s charming city because of its role as a significant passageway along the ancient Silk Road. At that time, Ningxia displayed its achievements of economy, trade and tourism, as well as Muslim culture embracing multiple business opportunities, and its extraordinary scenery and characteristic ethnic culture were acclaimed by the attending Muslim travelling traders from Malaysia.
  CTE: To provide more professional services for tourism cooperation
  Since 2015, CTE has been held annually in Guilin, Guangxi, China, providing a more professional and pragmatic platform for tourism resources promotion, tourism project investment, as well as cooperative mechanism improvement between ASEAN and China.
  The 1st CTE was reportedly composed of four themes: tourism image, tourist consumption, travel technologies and tourist commodities. It is worth noting that all kinds of discounted tourist products inspired the public to experience a trip without any plans. In addition to services involving tourists, tourism industry also provides the services of catering, accommodation, traffic, insurance and project development. To make the exhibition more professional, CAEXPO has taken concrete measures to attract a larger number of high-grade exhibitors and professional buyers.   According to the statistics, there were 800 high-grade exhibitors, over 6,000 professionals and over 300 executives of inbound & outbound travel agencies present at the 2nd CTE in 2016. Mr. Shi Xi, Deputy Secretary-General of the People’s Government of Guilin, indicated that the exhibitors and buyers planned for their exhibiting schedule through the appointment and negotiation services before the exhibition; and 420 enterprise representatives participated in the business negotiations held during the exhibition, generating tangible benefits. Besides, the officers-in-charge of ASEAN-China tourism organizations were invited to attend The Meeting of ASEAN-China Tourism Organizations, with a view to facilitating the establishment of ASEAN-China tourism exchange mechanism. Furthermore, 210 journalists with 48 media organizations covered or conducted a live broadcast of the exhibition.
  To strengthen non-governmental exchanges and tourism cooperation between ASEAN and China, other relevant events, such as Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival and China-ASEAN International Touring Assembly, were also held annually over the past 13 years.
据缅甸投资委发布的消息,缅甸投资委秘书长吴昂奈乌在近期举行的新闻发布会上表示,根据新颁布的投资政策,外资可在缅甸开设加油站。有意愿开设加油站的外国投资者可先向电力与能源部提出申请,待批准后再向投资委提出申请。数据显示,目前缅甸共有约2000个加油站。  越南简化程序吸引中国企业赴越投资兴业  近日,在越南驻南宁总领事馆和中国—东盟博览会秘书处共同主办的投资东盟介绍会越南专场上,越南官员表示,越南特
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8月8日,中国国家主席习近平向东盟轮值主席国菲律宾总统杜特尔特致贺电,对东南亚国家联盟成立50周年表示祝贺。全文如下:  值此东南亚国家聯盟成立50周年之际,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,向你并通过你,向东盟各成员国政府和人民致以热烈的祝贺。  东盟成立半个世纪以来不断发展壮大并建成共同体,为维护地区和平稳定发挥了重要作用,已成为世界多极化发展的一支代表性力量。中方祝愿东盟共同体建
2017年7月25日,中国—东盟中心组织东盟国家驻华使馆负责新闻事务的官员和驻京媒体记者访问《中国报道》杂志社和新华网。文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国驻华使馆官员和马来西亚《星报》、新加坡《联合早报》和《海峡时报》的记者参加了活动。  在《中国报道》杂志社,代表团一行与杂志社领导及相关编辑座談。中国—东盟中心新闻公关部主任吴威德表示,2017年是东盟成立50周年和中国—东
综观世界风云变幻,一方面,政治骚动让美国和欧洲国家绞尽脑汁、疲于奔命;另一方面,全球经济却依然不断复苏。国际货币基金组织指出,在2008年全球金融危机(20世纪经济大萧条以来最严重的一次)爆发后的近10年时间里,世界经济呈复苏态势,这是有目共睹的。美国甚至正逐步实现充分就业,当然,这可能跟美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的关系不大。  在世界经济持续复苏的背景下,亚洲国家无疑是最大的赢家。传统西方市场的消费
On 21 June 2017, Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with ASEAN Senior Education Officials Delegation led by H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee, Deputy Secretary-Gener
On 8 August 2017, the Ceremony of 50th Anniversary of ASEAN was held in Manila, the Philippines, in conjunction with the Closing Ceremony of Foreign Ministers’ Meetings. H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Duterte, Pres
重庆的小明,选中了新加坡的名表;贵州的小青,迷上了泰国的榴莲;哈萨克斯坦的安娜,看上了中国的旗袍……从前,东西远隔,驼队数月方可抵达;如今,随着“南向通道”的开通,“一带一路”沿线国家紧紧相连,快递不到半月便能送到。  “南向通道”是中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范項目下的交通基础设施建设,由中新双方企业合作规划从重庆出发经新加坡做国际中转、以铁路和海运为主要运输方式的多式联运。当前,广西正在力推该
参展时间:2017年9月12~15日  參展地点:中国南宁国际会展中心  展会简介:中国—东盟博览会是由中国和东盟10国经贸主管部门及东盟秘书处共同主办、广西壮族自治区人民政府承办的国家级、国际性经贸交流盛会,每年一届。本届展会的新增展览面积为1.4万平方米,总展览面积达12.4万平方米。  展品范围:工程机械、大宗原材料、建筑材料、电子电器、东盟特色商品等。
参展时间:2017年10月4~7日  参展地点:菲律宾马尼拉展览中心  展会简介:该展会是菲律宾国内具有较强国际性、专业性和贸易性的国家级展会,一年一届,已成功举办12届。上届展会的展出面积为1548平方米,吸引了172家参展商和1万名观众参展。  展品范围:印前处理系统设备、大幅面数码印刷及打样设备、包装及纸品加工機械设备等。