ASEAN Senior Education Officials Delegation Visited ACC

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  On 21 June 2017, Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with ASEAN Senior Education Officials Delegation led by H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN Secretariat, at the ACC Secretariat. The Delegation was comprised of Mr. Mohd. Khairul Adib Bin Abd Rahman, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, Dr. Ahmad Nazri Sulaiman, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia, Atty. Alberto Jesus T. Muyot, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of the Philippines, and Ms. Watanaporn Ra-Ngubtook, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, as well as senior education officials from the Ministry of Education of Myanmar, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, Ministry of Education and Sport of Lao PDR, Ministry of Education of Singapore and ASEAN Secretariat. Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division, and Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, attended the meeting.
  ACC Secretary-General Yang Xiuping warmly greeted the delegation, and briefly introduced ACC’s main work. She said that ASEAN-China education cooperation is vital for people-to-people exchanges between both sides, achieving fruitful and productive outcomes and having a broad perspect. In 2016, the student mobility between the two sides exceeded 200,000. ACC has carried out a rich variety of activities in the areas of education, culture and tourism, including deeply participating in the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW), conducting youth exchange programme and promoting TVET cooperation. In 2017, taking the big momentum of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN, ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation and the 10th anniversary of CAECW, ACC has been actively implementing relevant flagship projects, hoping to continuously receive big support from ASEAN Secretariat and the related departments of ASEAN countries.
  Deputy Secretary-General Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee praised ACC’s effective and fruitful work in promoting practical cooperation between ASEAN and China since its inception. He stated that education plays a great role in social and economic development of each country, and is also a key part in developing ASEAN social and cultural community. The visit of the delegation to China is aiming to have a comprehensive exchange of views with relevant departments and discuss the signing of ASEAN-China Education Cooperation Action Plan, thus to further deepen ASEAN-China people-to-people collaboration. The ASEAN Secretariat is willing to strengthen communication with ACC and jointly conduct activities in the fields of education and culture.
  After briefing on the educational cooperation between ASEAN countries, Mohd. Khairul Adib Bin Abd Rahman, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, and Atty. Alberto Jesus T. Muyot, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education of the Philippines, expected a deeper collaboration with China in the fields of TVET, teacher training, and youth exchanges, and hoped that ACC could continuously play its active role.
2017年是东盟成立50周年、中国—东盟旅游合作年,也是“一带一路”建设深入实施的关键之年。在此契机下,如何深化中国与东盟的关系?中国—东盟中心和东博会可以在哪些方面开展合作?中国—东盟中心秘书长杨秀萍就此接受了本刊记者的书面采访。  共建“一带一路”成为中国—东盟合作的新亮点  2017年5月,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在中国北京成功举行。东盟7个国家的国家领导人以及3个国家的高级别代表团出席
一场不期而至的小雨,让盛夏光景的斯里巴加湾更添了一分恬静。在文莱首相府的一间会议室中,我们见到了文莱首相府能源及工业部副常务秘书Tutiaty女士。因为文莱刚过完开斋节(相当于中国春节),所以办公楼里还装点着各式各样的节日挂饰,十分喜庆。但Tutiaty跟她的同事们并没有太多时间来享受这节日的余暇,他们正在为一场盛大的活动紧张筹备着。  2017年9月,第14届中国—东盟博览会上,文莱将第二次出任
近日,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)评选出了全球最好的十大生鲜农贸市场,位于泰国曼谷的“喔多郭”农贸市场(Or Tor Kor Market)凭借其拥有种类繁多的泰国及亚洲其他国家的生鲜蔬果,干净整洁的摊位环境和明亮通敞的灯光名列第四,此外,因为喔多郭紧靠地铁方便出行,所以不仅当地人会来采购,许多游客也把这儿当成了一个景点,纷纷来品尝泰国当地美食,购买特产香料。  实际上从2012年起,喔多郭农贸市
据印尼《雅加达邮报》8月14日报道,目前,中国企業在东南亚除了投资电站、水泥厂和煤矿等传统领域外,已开始向房地产业拓展。  印尼工业部官员称,印尼政府着力吸引外资,中国投资者资金实力相对更雄厚,已在印尼投资建设了多个项目,目前部分投资在向房地产转移。例如,中企华夏幸福已在西爪哇购买了216万公顷的土地,用于兴建第一个工业与住宅综合开发地块——加拉璜新工业城。
据缅甸投资委发布的消息,缅甸投资委秘书长吴昂奈乌在近期举行的新闻发布会上表示,根据新颁布的投资政策,外资可在缅甸开设加油站。有意愿开设加油站的外国投资者可先向电力与能源部提出申请,待批准后再向投资委提出申请。数据显示,目前缅甸共有约2000个加油站。  越南简化程序吸引中国企业赴越投资兴业  近日,在越南驻南宁总领事馆和中国—东盟博览会秘书处共同主办的投资东盟介绍会越南专场上,越南官员表示,越南特
Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Industry-Finance Integration Matchmaking Conference (Phase 1), titled “Serving Economic Entities, Seeking Mutual Benefits”, was held by Beibu Gulf Economic Zone & Coop
8月8日,中国国家主席习近平向东盟轮值主席国菲律宾总统杜特尔特致贺电,对东南亚国家联盟成立50周年表示祝贺。全文如下:  值此东南亚国家聯盟成立50周年之际,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,向你并通过你,向东盟各成员国政府和人民致以热烈的祝贺。  东盟成立半个世纪以来不断发展壮大并建成共同体,为维护地区和平稳定发挥了重要作用,已成为世界多极化发展的一支代表性力量。中方祝愿东盟共同体建
2017年7月25日,中国—东盟中心组织东盟国家驻华使馆负责新闻事务的官员和驻京媒体记者访问《中国报道》杂志社和新华网。文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国驻华使馆官员和马来西亚《星报》、新加坡《联合早报》和《海峡时报》的记者参加了活动。  在《中国报道》杂志社,代表团一行与杂志社领导及相关编辑座談。中国—东盟中心新闻公关部主任吴威德表示,2017年是东盟成立50周年和中国—东
综观世界风云变幻,一方面,政治骚动让美国和欧洲国家绞尽脑汁、疲于奔命;另一方面,全球经济却依然不断复苏。国际货币基金组织指出,在2008年全球金融危机(20世纪经济大萧条以来最严重的一次)爆发后的近10年时间里,世界经济呈复苏态势,这是有目共睹的。美国甚至正逐步实现充分就业,当然,这可能跟美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的关系不大。  在世界经济持续复苏的背景下,亚洲国家无疑是最大的赢家。传统西方市场的消费