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让所借车道内行驶的车辆或者行人先行突出一个“让”字,以不对被让车辆的行驶速度、方向产生影响为原则。让是指减速、停车等行为,随意改变行驶方向容易发生危险。按顺序依次行驶,不得频繁变更车道前方车辆停车排队等候或者缓慢行驶时, 变更车道常会导 Let the vehicles or pedestrians driving in the lane highlight a “let” before they affect the speed and direction of the vehicle. Let refers to the deceleration, parking and other acts, free to change the direction of danger prone to danger. In order to follow the order, shall not frequently change the lane ahead of the vehicle parked in line waiting or slow driving, change lanes often guide
In this paper,the steady-state response of a saturated half-space with an overlying dry layer subjected to a moving rectangular load is investigated.The governi
The virtual prototype technology is applied to the design of the hydraulic impingement shovel, which is to increase the reliability of the design. The work prin
An austenitic antibacterial stainless steel is reported in this paper. The very fine and dispersiveε-Cu precipitations in the matrix of the antibacterial steel
MBC 创社47周年特别企划剧《伊甸之东》(《East OfEdan》)于三月投入拍摄,原定在9月1日推出的该剧,因为接档李东健和金善雅的《每当夜晚来临》,提前于8月25日首播。长度为50