LOVE AND AMBITION——秋季档新剧《伊甸之东》的复仇与原谅

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MBC 创社47周年特别企划剧《伊甸之东》(《East OfEdan》)于三月投入拍摄,原定在9月1日推出的该剧,因为接档李东健和金善雅的《每当夜晚来临》,提前于8月25日首播。长度为50集的《伊甸之东》,是制作过《朱蒙》和《无法阻挡的Highkick》等剧的Chorokbaem Media 在2008的年度大戏,通过讲述跨越两代人、两个家族之间的恩恩怨怨,上演一段跌宕起伏的爱恨情仇。 The drama “47th Anniversary of MBC”, “East OfEdan”, was shot in March and was scheduled to be released on September 1 because of the filming of Lee Dong Gun and Kim Jong Il's “Every Night Comes ”, Premiere on August 25 in advance. The 50-episode East of Eden is Chorokbaem Media's 2008 annual drama, featuring dramas like Jurong and The Irrelevant Highkick. By telling grace across two generations and between two families Evil complaints, staged a ups and downs of love and hate.
女孩艾琴是重庆市巴南区人,高考后报考了四川音乐学院,学习播音与主持。临近毕业,艾琴得知重庆一家公司招聘录音员,便回去应聘。凭借出色的嗓音,艾琴很轻松就被录用了。 Ai
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