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在石蜡氧化生产合成脂肪酸过程中,准确快速测定锰催化剂含量很重要。目前测定锰的方法比较多,有高硫酸盐法、比色法、络合滴定法等,用这些方法测定氧化蜡和锰皂中的锰量时,都要进行预处理,即用电炉在600~800℃灼烧半小时,去掉有机物,然后用盐酸溶解,转移到烧杯中除去盐酸,再移到三角瓶中进行滴定,这样操作步骤多,测定时间长,不符合工艺要求。据资料介绍,用盐酸可以从有机物中萃取锰,用汽油萃取有机物,考虑到氧化石蜡冷却至室温时,在水中的溶解度不大,并能从水中凝结出来的特点,我们试验用盐酸萃取锰,省掉汽油抽提有机物这一步骤,并采用EDTA络合滴定。 In the process of paraffin oxidation of synthetic fatty acids, accurate and rapid determination of manganese catalyst content is very important. At present, there are many methods for determination of manganese, such as high-sulfate method, colorimetric method and complexometric titration method. When these methods are used to determine the amount of manganese in oxidized wax and manganese soap, pretreatment should be carried out in an electric furnace at 600 ~ 800 ℃ burning half an hour, remove the organic matter, and then dissolved in hydrochloric acid, transferred to a beaker to remove hydrochloric acid, and then moved to the flask for titration, so many steps, the determination of a long time, does not meet the process requirements. According to the information, hydrochloric acid can be extracted from the organic matter of manganese, with gasoline extraction of organic matter, taking into account the oxidation of paraffin cooling to room temperature, the solubility in water is not large, and can condense out of the water out of the characteristics of our experiment with hydrochloric acid extraction of manganese, Save gasoline extraction of organic matter this step, and the use of EDTA complexation titration.
Frost提出的量子化学浮动球高斯轨道模型(A Floating Spherical GaussianOrbitals Model,即 FSGO)是一种定域化轨道模型,它摸仿经典的Lewis电子结构图象,每一对电子都用一个
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