来源 :数学物理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixiyibobo
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We consider a nonlinear Robin problem driven by the anisotropic (p,q)-Laplacian and with a reaction exhibiting the competing effects of a parametric sublinear (concave) term and of a superlinear (convex) term.We prove a bifurcation-type theorem describing the changes in the set of positive solutions as the parameter varies.We also prove the existence of a minimal positive solution and determine the monotonicity and continuity properties of the minimal solution map.
In this note,we introduce and study a new kind of generalized Cesàro operator,Cμ,induced by a positive Borel measure μ on[0,1) between Dirichlet-type spaces.We char-acterize the measures μ for which Cμ is bounded (compact) from one Dirichlet-type space,Dα
The paper aims at establishing Riemann-Hilbert problems and presenting soliton solutions for nonlocal reverse-time nonlinear Schr(o)dinger (NLS) hierarchies associated with higher-order matrix spectral problems.The Sokhotski-Plemelj formula is used to tra
The main purpose of this paper is to generalize the study of the Hecke-Rogers type series,which are the extensions of truncated theorems obtained by Andrews,Merca,Wang and Yee.Our proofs rely heavily on the theory of Bailey pairs.
主要研究一类具有修正的Leslie-Gower型的捕食-食饵模型正解的动力学行为.首先,利用不动点指数理论给出了正解存在的充分条件;其次,讨论了当m充分大时模型正解的唯一性和稳定性;最后,以a为分歧参数,利用局部分歧理论研究了正解的分支结构,以及在适当条件下正解的多解性和局部分歧解的稳定性.结果 表明:在适当条件下两物种可以共存.
In this paper,we study an extragradient algorithm for approximating solutions of quasi-equilibrium problems in Banach spaces.We prove strong convergence of the sequence generated by the extragradient method to a solution of the quasi-equilibrium problem.
This paper studies a kind of non-autonomous respiratory disease model with a lag effect.First of all,the permanence and extinction of the system are discussed by using the comparison principle and some differential inequality techniques.Second,it assumes
In this paper,we consider the following nonlinear viscoelastic wave equation with variable exponents:utt-△u + ∫0tg(t-τ)Au(x,τ)dτ + μut =|u|p(x)-2u,where μ is a nonnegative constant and the exponent of nonlinearity p(·) and g are given functions.Under arbi
Let (Zn) be a branching process with immigration in a random environment ζ,where ζ is an independent and identically distributed sequence of random variables.We show asymptotic properties for all the moments of Zn and describe the decay rates of the n-ste