Expression of survivin in primary and metastatic gastric cancer cells obtained by laser capture micr

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loyal86
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AIM: Survivin, a recently identified member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family, is expressed during development and in various human cancers. However, its expression in normal tissues and clinical relevance in cancers are still debated. In the present study, we analyzed the expression of the survivin gene in human primary and metastatic gastric cancer cells as well as in paired epithelial cells from normal gastric mucosa by means of a novel laser capture microdissection (LCM)technique coupled with reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).METHODS: Thirty patients who had undergone gastrectomy with lymph node dissection for gastric cancer without preoperative treatments were included. Neoplastic tissue,metastatic lymph nodes, and apparently uninvolved normal tissue were collected from each patient. LCM-captured pure cell groups were respectively subjected to RT-PCR analysis with primers specific for the survivin gene.RESULTS: Of the paired samples from 30 gastric cancer patients studied, 24 (80%) primary gastric cancer cell groups and 7 (23%) adjacent morphologically normalgastric epithelial cell groups were shown to have a detectable survivin expression. There was a statistically significant difference in suvivin expression between these two groups (P<0.01). Meanwhile, 95% (19/20) of the metastatic gastric cancer cell groups from lymph nodes had a clear expression of the survivin gene. However, no significant correlation between survivin expression and clinicopathological features of gastric cancer was observed in the present study.CONCLUSION: Survivin expression is present in the majority of gastric cancer cell groups obtained by LCM techniques. The high expression rate in metastatic lesions suggests a possible role of survivin in cancer invasiveness and metastasis. It may contribute to the detection of gastric cancer micrometastasis as a potential molecular marker.In addition, the high expression percentage renders survivin a potential target in the therapy for gastric cancer.
目的 探讨老年颈髓过伸性损伤的治疗.方法 回顾12年来本院收治的37例老年颈髓过伸性损伤患者,随访观察近期及远期效果.结果 随访1~9年,23例手术治疗患者其中有6例行后路单开门减压手术,3例行前路椎体次全切除髂骨块植骨融合内固定手术,8例行前路椎体次全切除钛网植骨融合钛板内固定+后路全椎板减压内固定,6例行后路全椎板切除减压内固定术,脊髓功能恢复程度按Frankel分级其中3例由A级恢复至C级,
河北省衡水市 万× 我前段时间因为感冒发展到肺炎,住了半个月院.我听说糖尿病患者容易发生感染,平时需要怎样预防感染?rn问:如何预防感染?rn答:糖尿病患者发生感染后容易陷
【摘要】 目的 观察中医内外结合综合疗法治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的临床效果。方法 对35例股骨头缺血性坏死辨证内服自拟活血通脉汤及补血生骨汤,并配合中药外敷腹股沟,治疗60 d后进行疗效评定。结果 本组35例患者经中药内服外敷治疗后,痊愈17例,占48.57%;显效6例,占20.0%;有效8例,占22.86%;无效3例,占8.57%。总有效率91.43%。结论 中药内服外敷治疗股骨头缺血性坏死疗效显著