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目的 探讨急性有机磷农药中毒 (AOPP)患者的远期临床结局。方法 对 132例口服有机磷中毒者进行急性中毒 2年后的随访调查。结果  (1) 12例失访 ,其中 1例因出现有机磷迟发性神经病 (OPIDP)再服有机磷农药自杀死亡 ,失访率为 9.0 9%。 (2 ) 11例于急性中毒后 2~ 8周出现OPIDP ,仅 5例赴医院诊治 ,1例于 6个月后完全恢复 ,其余未经医院治疗亦都有不同程度的好转。中毒后 1年内OPIDP发生率为 9 17% ,2年后为 6 6 7%。 (3)急性中毒时有 38例同时诊断有精神病 ,其中枢神经与精神症状的发生率于 2年后比较无明显变化。 82例非精神病者在急性中毒时出现的中枢神经与精神症状中 ,除头痛、头晕等于中毒 2年后恢复较好外 ,其余如睡眠障碍、记忆障碍、情绪低落和急躁易怒等症状均无明显改变。结论 大多数急性有机磷农药中毒者临床结局较好 ,遗留迟发性神经病的后遗症者不足 10 % ,少数患者可能遗留中枢神经与精神症状。中毒者恢复情况可能与救治情况有关 ,急性中毒后症状的恢复情况应引起医患双方的重视 Objective To investigate the long-term clinical outcome of patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning (AOPP). Methods 132 cases of organophosphate poisoning were investigated after two years of acute poisoning. Results (1) Twelve patients were lost to follow-up. Among them, one died of suicide due to organophosphorus pesticide due to OPIDP. The rate of loss of follow-up was 9.0 9%. (2) Eleven cases showed OPIDP 2-8 weeks after acute poisoning. Only 5 cases went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. One case recovered completely after 6 months. The rest had no improvement in hospital without treatment. The incidence of OPIDP was 9 17% within 1 year after poisoning and 6 6 7% after 2 years. (3) 38 cases of acute poisoning were also diagnosed with psychosis, the incidence of central nervous system and mental symptoms in two years after no significant change. 82 cases of non-mental illness in acute poisoning in central nervous and mental symptoms, in addition to headache, dizziness equal to 2 years after the poisoning recovery is better, the rest, such as sleep disorders, memory disorders, depression and irritability irritability and other symptoms Significant change. Conclusions Most acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning patients have a good clinical outcome, with less than 10% of sequelae left by late-onset neuropathy. A minority of patients may have central nervous and psychiatric symptoms. The recovery of poisoning may be related to the treatment situation, and the recovery of the symptoms after acute poisoning should be taken seriously by doctors and patients
国务院各有关部委(局),总后基建营房部,各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),计划单列市建委: 勘察设计质量是决定工程建设质量的首要环节,它关系到国家财产和人民生命的安全,
乳糜腹水(chylous ascites)临床上少见[1],而创伤性乳糜腹(traumatic chyloperitoneum)则更不多见.1988年1月~2002年12月15年间笔者收治腹部闭合伤和腹膜后损伤186例,其中4例发生创伤性乳糜腹.现报告如下。
目的 评价急性脑梗死溶栓治疗的适应症与疗效。方法 收集本院近 3年住院患者 ,凡符合入选标准的患者随机分为 2组 ,1组接受尿激酶 (UK)或基因重组纤溶酶原激活剂 (rt pA)溶
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