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随着经济全球化和多边贸易体制的完善,关税壁垒等传统的贸易壁垒保护贸易的作用越来越小,劳工标准作为一种新兴非关税壁垒逐渐受到世贸组织以及各界人士的关注,成为WTO谈判中争论的焦点。事实上,将劳工标准问题纳入WTO多边贸易体制对发展中国家和发达国家都各有利弊,世贸组织应当积极寻求能平衡各方利益的方法,避免劳工标准成为贸易保护主义者的工具。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,廉价的劳动力为中国扩大出口和引进外资创造了有利条件,也极大的促进了制造业的发展。但是随着经济和社会的发展,低劳工标准带来的问题也不容忽视。劳工标准问题关系到我国经济能否健康稳定持续的发展。研究劳工标准与国际贸易的关系,以及如何以正确的态度对待劳工标准问题是非常有现实意义的。本文主要参考了与劳工标准有关的文献资料,国际劳工组织网站和中国统计局网站上的资料数据,从实际出发,探索劳工标准问题对国际贸易的影响,并针对中国情况找到对劳工标准问题正确的认识态度和应对方法。 With the improvement of economic globalization and the improvement of the multilateral trade system, the traditional trade barriers such as tariff barriers and the protection of trade play an increasingly smaller role. As a new emerging non-tariff barrier, labor standards are gradually receiving the attention of the WTO and people from all walks of life and becoming WTO negotiations In the focus of controversy. In fact, the inclusion of labor standards in the WTO multilateral trade system has its own advantages and disadvantages for both developing and developed countries. The WTO should actively seek ways to balance the interests of all parties and prevent labor standards from becoming tools for protectionist protection. As the largest developing country in the world, the cheap labor force has created favorable conditions for China to expand its exports and attract foreign investment, and has greatly promoted the development of the manufacturing industry. However, with the economic and social development, the problems caused by low labor standards should not be overlooked. The issue of labor standards has a bearing on the healthy, stable and sustainable development of our economy. It is very significant to study the relationship between labor standards and international trade and how to treat labor standards in a correct manner. This article mainly refers to the literature related to labor standards, the ILO website and the data on the website of China Statistics Bureau. Based on the actual situation, this article explores the impact of labor standards on international trade and finds out the correctness of the labor standards against China Understanding of attitude and coping methods.
沈阳市于 1998年6月起在国有控股股份公司中进行了在国有股中分设管理股.技术股的试点。目前有试点企业7户,其中机械行业3户、副食行业3户、轻工行业1户。设立管理股、技术股的基本作法