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我院自1974年10月至1982年10月在生殖器结核诊断中,施行子宫输卵管碘油造影术140例,其中诊断内生殖器结核119例,现就诊断中的体会总结如下。临床资料本组病例选择及造影方法按杨珂等要求,内生殖器结核的诊断标准按刘伯宁等的分类。本组年龄28~39岁;病史3~5年不孕者43例,5~10年不孕者51例,10年以上不孕者25例。其临床情况及X 线造影表现见附表。其中X 线碘油造影中,较可靠征象81例,可能征象38例。附表119例临床情况及造影表现 Our hospital from October 1974 to October 1982 in genital tuberculosis diagnosis, the implementation of hysterosalpingography lipiodol 140 cases, of which 119 cases of genital tuberculosis diagnosis, the diagnosis is now summarized as follows. Clinical data The selection of cases and radiographic methods according to Yang Ke and other requirements, the diagnostic criteria for genital tuberculosis by Liu Boning and other categories. The age group of 28 to 39 years old; history of 3 to 5 years of infertility in 43 cases, 5 to 10 years of infertility in 51 cases, more than 10 years of infertility in 25 cases. The clinical manifestations and X-ray findings in the attached table. X-ray lipiodol in which the more reliable signs of 81 cases, signs may be 38 cases. Schedule 119 cases of clinical and angiographic performance
近年来研究指出胎盘合体滋养细胞能分泌泌乳素(HPL),本文应用免疫组织化学技术检测了各种不同滋养细胞肿瘤HPL。 材料和方法 标记材料共15例,包括葡萄胎6例、恶性葡萄胎5例
Heshun,a small,remote town in China’s far southwest,would have remained anonymoushad it not been named the best of“ten most enchanting Chinese towns”by China
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