The factors about cross—border e—commence bonded logistics platform

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  1 Introduction of cross-border logistics platform in shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo
  (1)Dominated by the Shanghai government, public trading platform has been running in November 2013. Under the mode of the platform, for the goods imported foreign goods to Shanghai bonded into warehouse in free trade area. Customs adopts the ways of “listing declares, regular reporting, early for the record” to manage cross-border goods. The customs will enterprise information with the customer to declare order information, payment information and logistics information automatically in advance. And then it can complete the customs inspection at the scene of the warehouse. The future of the platform is expected to be formed from the bonded warehouse, bonded display base to direct sales model.
  (2)Dominated by Ningbo government, cooperative platform is launched in April 2014, in which companies, such as Alibaba and Jingdong. As an auxiliary customs technology platform, the platform gives consumers identification of auxiliary customs, inspection and quarantine registration, quota control. Consumers will shop overseas goods which have been shipped to Ningbo bonded area in the form of bulk storage in advance. The goods Consumers shopped on website will be sent directly from the bonded area.
  (3)Led by Zhejiang electronic port , customs and inspection and quarantine bureau of Hangzhou, the platform has been launched in May 2014, which involved in customs clearance service system. As a intermediary platform, customs centralized declaration model was adopted to realize the whole process of the query and dynamic regulation about export goods declaration, the supervision of customs declaration and logistics tracking.
  2 the current cross-border e-commerce development situation
  2.1 Cross-border e-commerce development
  In 2014, the Chinese cross-border e-commerce transaction size is 4.2 trillion RMB, up 33.3%. Cross-border e-commerce transactions accounted for about 85.4% in China exports and accounted for about 14.6% in China imports.
  At present, China’s e-commerce is in the lead in the world. The situation of cross-border E-commerce has become the grand opera in the electrical business. But in the future China cross-border electrical business will focus on from B2C to B2B. B2B e-commerce has a greater potential for development. Especially online, it is boosting manufacturing enterprises to promote foreign trade comprehensive service and modern logistics enterprise transformation.   At the same time, the national policy supports cross-border e-commerce greatly to increase. Embodying the important role as a development catalyst, cross-border e-commerce provides the necessary for the future development of endogenous power. Currently, there are four main ways of cross-border import: individuals carrying cross-border electricity retail, direct mail, and general trade imports. But with the consumption information upgrading, consumers` demand will be more personalized, differentiated. Cross-border e-commerce dealer will present the diversified development trend.
  2.2 lacks of Cross-border e-commerce
  there are not many enterprises which can provide professional logistics one-stop service in cross-border e-commerce required, including logistics plan formulation, storage management, order management and settlement management services, at the same time can provide enterprises with trade custody, graphic design, trademark, brand, sales, after-sales service system to establish a system setting, exhibition arrangement. They will inevitably lead to during aging, such as logistics, logistics cost, foreign warehousing and distribution, and so on.
  In the cross-border customs clearance process, the import and export enterprises, as sellers, work small batch package to make higher cost and process trivial. Thus these bring the cross-border electrical contractor in the logistics of the arrival of the aging problem.
  Cross-border e-commerce development is lack and limited because oversea businesses have no storage, small batch delivery to the buyers and higher cost. How to solve this problem? Oversea warehouse concept was put forward. And the goods are stored in overseas warehouse. It is equivalent to move goods from the point of origin directly to abroad and from the seller to the buyer in the hands of. So time is greatly shortened, customer satisfaction is improved largely.
  2.3 advice in development of cross-border e-commerce
  We need to widely set up cross-border e-commerce information service platform. By the platform we gain information resource to integrate business, standardize e-commerce data standards and build a data center. Through cross-border electricity information service platform, we realize import goods and export express mail to declare paperless.
  We need increase the logistics financial support. With the rapid growth of cross-border electricity, new requirements are put forward to in finance, payment and settlement. So we need to strengthen the third-party payment and financial institutions on the platform of business linkage, and carry out of the warehouse receipt pledge.
摘要 宪法财产权是宪法中的重要组成部分,其权利和保护范围成为广大官员争议的焦点。在我们的日常生活中,涉及到的主要财产权包括宪法财产权和私法财产权两种,但是在学术界,主要是将其作为宪法财产权来使用,该种应用方法呈现出较多不恰当行为,忽视了法律和宪法之间存在的位阶差异,无法充分发挥财产权的重要作用。本文在实际的应用过程中,主要是以宪法保障财产权为主要目的,对财产权的保护范围进行了深入的分析,并对宪法财
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我的朋友马场小姐很快乐的来找我,一反常态的穿了考究的套装,系了鲜艳的丝巾。我问她是去过什么隆重的场合。她说啊,从前工作过的幼稚园50周年庆。见到了很多老同事和毕业生,大家都说,老园长要是还在,那该有多好呢。  老园长是一个活在传说中的人。我见到他的时候,他已经中风,出入都离不开轮椅,天气好的时候,能看到他在河堤上,腿上盖着毯子,身后是穿着素色和服的太太。偶尔太太俯伏在他身旁对他喁喁而语,大多数时,
1 反规避措施内涵  规避(circumvention)是倾销行为的一种特殊表现形式。反倾销和反规避成为保护国内产业、阻止外国产品进入的合法手段,如果某一进口产品已被征收反倾销税,其生产者或出口经营者通过变换原产地、出口方式、对产品进行轻微改变等手段继续向进口方倾销该产品,那么以这种变换方式规避反倾销措施的行为是延伸的倾销行为。  任何反倾销措施的实施,通常都必须具备三个基本要素:一是倾销的行为要
跟成苳约会的那天,是一年最热的夏至夜。  已经凌晨1点,燥热却丝毫没有退却的意思,一定是要伸展着直到天亮之后的酷热,仿佛再也燃烧就要老了的那种决心。  跟成苳在这样汗流浃背的夏日夜坐在楼下的花坛边,忍着蚊虫叮咬,忍着身体对炎热对抗的极限,也许是因为比起这些,寂寞更如猛禽?  成苳在追忆他的青春,飒飒却一直在走神,维持的礼貌让她显得含蓄,与平日她大刀阔斧,杀伐决断的个性大相径庭,然而成苳不知道。  
我猜宋岩接到警局电话的时候已经可以用像谈论天气一样平常的语气回答一句“好的,知道了”,然后慢条斯理地换好衣服赶过来。  所以半个小时后他出现在大厅也只是默默看了一眼正在和警员抬杠的我便直接进了办公室。  从警局出来已经是夜里十一点多。  “阿笙。”  “嗯?”  八月份的夜空总是有种深邃的美,遥远的星光映在少年眸底如同铺上一层细细碎碎的钻石,这么多年来我依然控制不住心脏的剧烈跳动。  怀里的小猫也
十六岁那年,经历暗无天日的初三,我考进了声名在外的重点高中。一下子放松了,迎面而来的却是巨大的空虚与不知所措。  那时候自己是不会认同叛逆期那种理论的,只是看什么都不顺眼。期中考试成绩很差,知道回家必然要被训。放学路上,我鬼使神差地拐去了火车站。  去的城市很近,开车也就三四个小时的路,除此之外,我也不敢去他处。下车后肚子很饿,正好不远有条小吃街。我伸手掏钱包,突然发现钱包不见了。  当时我就怂了