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进入7月份以来,辽宁省汛情日益严重,主汛期较常年提前半 个月。受北大平洋副热带高压北移和 6、7号台风的影响,7月12日至14日 凌晨,全省出现了一次大范围的降雨过程,辽西地区的大凌河、小凌河、绕阳河、六股河等河流相继发生洪水。肆虐的洪水冲破了堤坝,冲毁了田园房屋。全省广大干部群众和驻军奋起抗洪,保护家园。抗洪抢险中涌现出以锦州市委书记张鸣岐为代表的一大批优秀共产党员,谱写了一曲曲抗洪抢险的壮歌。这里发表的一组人物事迹正是这些优秀共产党员中的典型。他们的精神,将永远鼓舞我们。 Since July, floods in Liaoning Province have become increasingly serious. The main flood season is half a month ahead of normal. Affected by the North Pacific subtropical high and the Typhoon 6 and Typhoon 6 and Typhoon 6 and Typhoon 6 and Typhoon 7 and Typhoon 6 and Typhoon 7 and July 7, Rivers, Liu shares such as rivers have floods. The raging flood broke through the dam and destroyed the rural houses. The vast majority of cadres and the people in the province and the garrison to fight against floods and protect their homeland. During the flood fighting and rescue, a large number of outstanding Communist Party members represented by Zhang Mingqi, secretary of Jinzhou Municipal Party Committee emerged and compose a strong song to resist flood and rescue. The deeds of a group of people published here are typical of these outstanding communists. Their spirit will always inspire us.
  目的 探讨应用中医药治疗中晚期前列腺癌的实际临床疗效.方法 随访分析近5年来我院住院的209例中晚期前列腺癌患者的资料,观察应用中医扶正抑瘤法治疗前列腺癌患者向激素
“国仔”、“军仔”,这是广东球迷对彭伟国和比他小3岁的弟弟彭伟军的爱称。 众所周知,彭伟国以其出色的球艺入选亚运足球最佳阵容后.又获1994年度中国足球金球奖,而他的弟
ON more than one occasion, Professor Yuan Ming has been mistaken for a man. It isn’t her appearance, but her high status in academe that confuses people. Yuan
  目的 分析金属硫蛋白(Metallothionein,MT)在肾盂癌组织中的表达及临床意义.方法 应用免疫组织化学方法观察不同分级的36例肾盂癌、15例正常肾盂组织MT的表达情况,分析MT