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甲午战争,日本称“日清战争”。战后签署的《马关条约》使日本割占了台湾和澎湖列岛,获取了巨额战争赔款。但是,由于俄德法的干预,日本被迫放弃了亟欲割占的辽东半岛。“三国干涉还辽”使日本统治阶层深刻认识到扩充军备的必要,而巨额战争赔款的获得则为此提供了可能。因此,日本在战后开展了以大规模扩军备战为核心的“日清战后经营”。这项“经营”的展开,不仅使日本真正开始全面推行“富国强兵”路线,而且使日本的产业结构和经济体制发生了深刻变化。 The Sino-Japanese War, Japan called “Nissin War ”. The “Treaty of Shimonoseki” signed after the war resulted in Japan having seized Taiwan and the Penghu islands and obtained huge amounts of war reparations. However, due to the intervention of Russia and Germany, Japan was forced to abandon the Liaodong Peninsula that it wished to sever. The “interference by the Three Kingdoms in the Liao Dynasty” also convinced the Japanese ruling class of the need for the expansion of armaments, while the acquisition of huge war reparations provided the possibility. Therefore, Japan launched the postwar “post-war postwar operation” centered on large-scale arms expansion and preparations for war. The commencement of this “operation ” not only enabled Japan to really start the full implementation of the “rich and powerful soldiers” line, but also profoundly changed Japan’s industrial structure and economic structure.
The influences of chemical segregation and phase transformation on liquid density variation during solidification of Ni-based supperalloy Inconel 718 were inves
在朝鲜战争六十周年之际,可以说媒体和研究者的注意力大多集中在对朝鲜战争历史过程本身的回顾,而对于朝鲜战争的长期影响关注不足。即便是关注朝鲜战争影响的,也大 On the
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[摘要] 本文概括了自体血回输的研究方法与实验过程,包括其分类,研究方法,临床资料,结果等。  [关键词] 自体血;静脉营养;有效循环  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-7484(x).2014.03.227 文章编号:1004-7484(2014)-03-1394-01  我们对创伤性干脾破裂、宫外孕破裂等大量内出血的患者,在实施手术中对腹腔内积血回收过滤后回输给患者,取得满意效
产品性能:1.内热式:无炉罐,全纤维加热室,节电,升温快;2.真空系统:在8×10-1 Pa真空度下,净化零件表面,渗氮后期真空扩散白亮层;3.炉压高:在0.1~0.3 MPa氨气压力下渗氮,渗速快