
来源 :临床心血管病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luzhiqing
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脂膜炎临床上较为少见,累及心内膜引起二尖瓣狭窄者更鲜为人知,现报道1例。 患者,男,27岁。因反复皮下结节8月,心悸、气促4月,加重伴浮肿1月于1989年4月28日入院。患者于8月前无诱因感乏力,无意中发现右股内侧皮下有一鸽蛋大小皮下结节,硬度中等,皮肤呈暗红色,压痛,数日后自行消退。继后左侧对应部位、双上肢及下颌部出现类似结节数个,蚕豆至核桃大。起病4月始感心悸、气促、胸痛、腹胀伴双下肢浮肿。既往无风湿和结核史,病前半年超声心动图检查心瓣膜无异常。体检:T38.7℃,贫血貌,双大腿 Pancreatitis is clinically rare, involving the endocardial mitral stenosis caused by less known, is reported in 1 case. Patient, male, 27 years old. Due to repeated subcutaneous nodules in August, palpitations, shortness of breath in April, increased with edema in January on April 28, 1989 admission. In August, the patient had no incentive to feel fatigue. He inadvertently found a pigeon egg with a subcutaneous nodule on the inside of the right femoral head. The hardness was medium and the skin was dark red and tender. After a few days, the patient subsided spontaneously. Followed by the left side of the corresponding parts, both upper extremities and jaw appeared similar number of nodules, broad beans to walnuts. In April onset palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal distension accompanied by lower extremity edema. No past history of rheumatism and tuberculosis, echocardiography six months before the disease did not check the heart valve abnormalities. Physical examination: T38.7 ℃, anemia appearance, double thighs
指出在情报学学科建设中在基本概念和研究范围方面存在着一些混淆之处,并提出确立合理的情报学学科建设的观念。 It points out that there are some confusions in the cons
男,44岁,农民。因畏寒、发热、头痛、腰痛7天,少尿2天于1987年11月26日入院。体检:T39℃,脉搏触不清,Bp 8.00/6.65kPa,神清,呈“酒醉貌”。双眼球结膜明显充血水肿。咽充血,
试论灰色文献研究现状与趋势姜振儒赵玲秀张桂玲(承德医学院图书馆河北067000AbstractThisarticleintroducesinternationalsymposiumsonandworldresearchorganiza-tionsof... On the gray literature research status and trends Jiang Zhenru Zhao Lingxiu Zhang Guiling (
糖尿病引起的植物神经病变,不一定被人们认识和重视。我们检查了120例55岁以上的糖尿病患者,发现基本上都有植物神经病变。现分析如下: 临床资料一般资料本组男82例,女38例,