
来源 :焊接学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengkg
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熔滴短路过渡的CO2 焊 ,其焊接过程的电信号是随机的 ,并且是各种电弧物理现象丰富信息的载体。对于随机信号采用统计分析方法 ,便于把信号化为简缩和容易理解的形式 ,反映整体焊接过程的情况 ,并提取出与实际焊接效果相关的特征信息 ,用明确的图、表表示出来 ,据此可望对电源的动特性进行客观的评定。因此 ,本文阐述了电弧焊统计分析方法的原理 ,进行了CO2 电弧焊电源动特性的试验研究 ,在此基础上 ,研究利用统计分析提取评定弧焊电源动特性的特征信息的方法 ,提取了评定动特性的统计特征信息及其特征向量。研究结果表明 ,当动特性发生变化时 ,统计特征向量中各特征信息的显著性亦按一定的规律变化 ,这为根据各统计特征信息的变化评定弧焊电源的动特性奠定了基础。 Droplet transfer CO2 welding, the welding process of the electrical signal is random, and a variety of arc physics rich information carrier. For statistical analysis of stochastic signals, it is convenient to convert the signal into a reduced and easily understood form that reflects the overall welding process and extracts the characteristic information related to the actual welding effect, with a clear graph and table It is expected that the dynamic characteristics of the power supply will be objectively assessed. Therefore, this paper describes the principle of arc welding statistical analysis method, and studies the dynamic characteristics of CO2 arc welding power source. Based on this, the method of extracting the characteristic information of dynamic characteristics of arc welding power source by statistical analysis is studied, Statistical characteristic information of dynamic characteristics and its eigenvectors. The results show that when the dynamic characteristics change, the significance of each characteristic information in the statistical eigenvector also changes according to a certain rule, which lays the foundation for evaluating the dynamic characteristics of arc welding power source according to the change of each statistical characteristic information.
In City Gate,Open Up,seminal poet Bei Dao memorializes a longlost capital阔别故乡十三年,北岛成了“最熟悉的陌生人”;《城门开》追忆诗人在北京的成长经历,也回顾了当
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