Effects of PVA and PEG on pH Dependent Shear Yield Stress of Concentrated Alumina Suspensions

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aixiaowen
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The pH dependence of the extrapolated shear yield stress for Alcoa A16 a-Al2O3 suspensions at the powder volume fraction of 0.27 with and without addition of both polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) each at fixed 0.18% of the powder mass was studied. With the polymer added, the full deflocculation of the suspension shifts from about pH=4 to around pH=1.5, at which the minimum value of shear yield stress is higher than that at pH=4. The addition of both PVA and PEG was found to prevent the filter cake from cracking. The pH dependence of the extrapolated shear yield stress for Alcoa A16 a-Al2O3 suspensions at the powder volume fraction of 0.27 with and without addition of both polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) at at fixed 0.18% of the powder mass was With the polymer added, the full deflocculation of the suspension shifts from about pH = 4 to around pH = 1.5, at which the minimum value of the shear yield stress is higher than that at pH = 4. The addition of both PVA and PEG was found to prevent the filter cake from cracking.
1951年7月,当中华人民共和国如一轮旭日刚刚在东方喷薄而出之时,年仅16岁的成思危只身离家出走,在薄薄的晨雾中跨过香港罗湖桥头,大步走进了新中国的怀抱; In July 1951, w
黑暗效应是指在光线比较暗的场所,约会双方彼此看不清对方表情,就很容易减少戒备感而产生安全感。在这种情况下,彼此产生亲近的可能性就会远远高于光线比较亮的场所。心理学家将这种现象称之为“黑暗效应”。  在与学生、家长沟通,包括亲子沟通中,有时,恰当运用这一效应,可取得意想不到的效果。  刚刚毕业的这届,我的一位优秀的同事所带的班级,有一个性格相当内向、情绪一直低落、学习一塌糊涂的“短指头”,暂且称他为
目的:观察并比较莪术对正常和血瘀证孕大鼠子代学习记忆能力影响的差异。方法:Wistar雌性大鼠随机平均分为正常组和血瘀证模型组,采用0.1 mg/只sc盐酸肾上腺素与冰水浴相结合
关于实验室制取甲烷的方法有多种,一般文献中有下列介绍: 一、醋酸钠和碱石灰法: 1、取一药匙研细的无水醋酸钠和三药匙研细的碱石灰,在纸上充分混和,迅速装进试管加热。[1]
2008年中央财政设立50亿元现代农业生产发展专项资金,当年给甘肃安排资金1.25亿元。为了科学使用中央支农资金,甘肃突出产业选择和资金使用两个关键环节, In 2008, the Cent