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情报用户的情报需求本质上也是人类改造自然、改造社会的一种实践活动,因此也要受到社会环境、心理活动等多方面的影响和制约。那末影响情报用户情报需求的主要因素是什么呢? 影响情报用户情报需求的因素很多,客观上如科学技术的发展特点,情报系统的现有能力,情报用户的工作性质、专业性质及研究内容,情报用户的生活、工作及学习环境等,主观上如个人的工作特点,习惯及经验,情报用户本身的知识结构(外语水平)、心理因素,辟如情报用户的文化素养及情报意识等。但归纳起来,主要有以下三方面的因素,即社会因素、情报机构的因素和用户本身的因素。 The intelligence needs of intelligence users are essentially a kind of practical activities for humans to transform nature and transform society. Therefore, they must also be influenced and restricted by social environment and psychological activities. What are the main factors affecting the intelligence user information requirements? There are many factors affecting the intelligence user’s information needs, such as objectively the characteristics of the development of science and technology, the existing capabilities of the intelligence system, the nature of the work of the intelligence user, the nature of the professional, and the content of the research. The intelligence user’s life, work, and learning environment are subjectively related to personal work characteristics, habits, and experiences, intelligence users’ own knowledge structure (foreign language proficiency), and psychological factors, such as intelligence users’ cultural quality and intelligence awareness. But to sum up, there are mainly the following three factors, namely, social factors, intelligence agency factors and the user’s own factors.
【摘要】对于涉及几个研究对象和几个物理过程的“多体多过程”力学综合计算题,往往运用动量和能量观点求解。而对于一些反复多次出现的物理过程,运用数学归纳法找出第n次所具有的状态特征是数理结合、解决物理问题的有效途径。我们可以通过创设一定的物理情境,深入思考,发现问题,拓展视野。  【关键词】动量守恒 数学归纳 拓展 分析  【中图分类号】G633.7【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2
与宝宝玩的游戏要常玩常新,这样既能让宝宝保持兴趣,也能促进各方面能力的发展,因此,即使是传统的“捉迷藏”也需要创创新。 Play with your baby to play often new, so th
开学初,在学校门口等接孩子,一个经常见面的家长诉苦说,她儿子暑假里参加了四个校外辅导班,晚上还有家教,可学习成绩就是上不 At the beginning of the school year, waitin